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I Am the Dreaming Butterfly


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Interesting! I usually have completely mundane dreams, but a couple of nights ago I had this dream that I was on this absolutely magical cruise in Italy... around Sicily, and I was THE happiest woman on the planet. It was so out of left-field, but I woke up feeling really cleansed.

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I better write this down quick before I forget. I only remember one dream from last night. I was in a drama and suspense filled Jodi Foster movie. For some reason there were carnivorous fish in a tank in her house and German Sheppard's that wanted to rip people apart.

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Interesting! I usually have completely mundane dreams, but a couple of nights ago I had this dream that I was on this absolutely magical cruise in Italy... around Sicily, and I was THE happiest woman on the planet. It was so out of left-field, but I woke up feeling really cleansed.


That is an excellent dream!! Mine are usually very dark and violent or just very weird.

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I do not remember dreaming last night. I think I fell asleep just after 10:30, but woke momentarily at 2 AM and realized my husband must have come home from work and then I drifted back off to sleep and woke at 6:30. There was a dream right on the tip of my tongue so to speak and then it floated away. Oh well.

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I didn’t get to dream because I didn’t get much sleep. Grrr!


I hope tonight I have another travel dream. It’s almost like I’ve been on vacation


It makes sense that your dreams are dark I suppose... the subconscious holds on to everything.

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I love traveling dreams! I am glad you had one too!


I think the worst of my dreams are when people try to kill me. I had one where my dad cut my heart out with a knife and another one where my own mother pushed me out a window. Those creep me out.

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My parents are never ever in my dreams. They’re not super present in my life, so perhaps that’s why? Do you ever try to decode your dreams? I think it’s so fascinating. I had a theory about your dream, but I just lost it. My brain is full. Hopefully later I remember.


It has been a very long time since I had a really bad/violent/death dream, thank goodness!

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Ok well last night was more threatening.


I remember two dreams. In one was a man I worked for on and off for 10 years. In my dream I had gone back to work for him and he kept trying to hit on me ( something that NEVER happened in real life). Then I was sent to work in this big factory type place that contained dead people. People that you had once known but they died. They would come back to life and try and eat me.


The second dream for some reason had my son, my long dead Siamese, my girlfriend from here and one of my step brothers and his wife. I was at this mall I had lunch with my son and my girlfriend there. Afterwards we were trying to sail some place safe I had no idea what that was about. Then it quickly changed scene to night time back to my yard back home and my Siamese trying to escape over the fence which he did. My son and I were running after him because we felt someone would kill him. Then suddenly we were back at the Mall my son and I. I was wanting to go to the salon and get my hair done. These really half dressed garish, really exposed creepy people were telling me I was a horrible person for letting my son sit alone while I got my hair done. Then it switched to night again and this time I was with one of my step brothers and his wife and my son and we were trying to escape people who were trying to steal our kids.

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My parents are never ever in my dreams. They’re not super present in my life, so perhaps that’s why? Do you ever try to decode your dreams? I think it’s so fascinating. I had a theory about your dream, but I just lost it. My brain is full. Hopefully later I remember.


It has been a very long time since I had a really bad/violent/death dream, thank goodness!


I do not try and decode them too much Sherry. They are mostly so jumbled and scary.

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Ok so last night's dream was odd. My cousins were little kids even though they are all adults now with their own kids. I was looking after this baby as a foster baby but I had worked with her grandmother. UUHHH


Then there was this little one inch by one inch dog in the bathroom and was snarling at me. And a bigger twin black dog barking at me. Me and my husband and my son and this baby escaped on a horse drawn buggy..............uuuuuuhhhh


SO yeah it was just all strange.

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Last night I had a dream that a lady I used to work with years ago at the convent stole my cat. The cat had my present cat's name but it looked like my Russian Blue I got from my brother. I finally got tired of her baloney and told her I was calling the police.


Then another dream I was stuck in a cave in with all these other people and a baby. Then the caved in space caught fire.

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Last night's dreams


For some reason my mother and I were supposed to have dinner with Queen. We walked through miles and miles and miles of forest and then up endless stairs but never seemed to arrive.


Then another dream my husband and my son and I went back home and I met with a girl that I worked with years ago and went to her house. There was a ghost in her house and to prove it to her I asked it to open and close doors which it did. Then I asked it if it was a friendly spirit to close the door and nothing happened. Then I asked if it was an evil spirit to close and the door, and it slammed the shower door shut and it broke. We ran screaming from the house. It suddenly morphed to where I was back with my husband and son and we were near a grocery store. There was this little group of houses near the store and in them lived these people like the movie, The Hills Have Eyes, and they kept trying to capture me to live with them. Saying they needed me. I kept trying to find my husband and son and convince them we HAD to leave.

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My most favorite dream was very strange yet beautiful. I dreamt my children and I were in another nation and the was the huge celebration. People everywhere dancing and singing in a desert, the colors and shapes were so vivid. Yet as beautiful as the people and the songs were, I did not desire to join in, this is strange for me, as I love singing and dancing. I contented myself with finding a stick and walking through the desert carving a line and thinking about what the line would be in time. It was the weirdest, strangest, yet most peaceful dream I ever had.

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