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mind concentrated


but less and less

i look into the mirror

and find nothing but numb

i cut

and i bleed

but never will i ever be free

im trapped in this hole of mine

left behind in a discrete memory is what ill be

never to be seen again

nor will anyone ever be my friend

its just a fact

a lil moral of mind

that friendship is a waste of time

leave the casket open

and let me buried in the cold earth

dont shed those tears and bury them with me

because wat you neglect to see

is im happier now

no frowns

no crys

just my destiny and fate in my own hands

that now i will no longer be

just another face


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It's very deep. I think you are being stubborn by saying;

nor will anyone ever be my friend

its just a fact

a lil moral of mind

that friendship is a waste of time


I have very few friends but friendship is not a waste of time. Very good poem, I've been there before, having those same thoughts. If you need to talk to someone, I'm here. Maybe I can help.



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