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Book Talk

'One Day' by David Nicholls


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I just finished reading this book and it really affected me. Has anyone else read it?


I read the book first, and then proceeded to watch the movie after I read the book. The movie kinda ruined it for me - I enjoyed it, but it wasn't as powerful as the book I thought. I thought Dexter was well cast, but Emma not so much (Anne Hathaway is lovely but wasn't a convincing Emma for me!)


The book took me on such a journey and I ended up in tears. I could really relate to Emma Morely, having participated in the same studies at university and following similar career paths, which I think made the whole thing more emotional for me. But definitely I think this is one of my all-time favourite books that I have read to this date (...and I read A LOT!)


Anyone else have any thoughts? Just thought I'd make a post because I read the book and just... it just really spoke to me as cliche as that sounds!

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I loooooved this book! I read it about a year before the film came out, friend introduced it to me and I remember crying at the end too! I'm so pathetic! I thought the film was pretty good too but as usual the book is always going to be better I know exactly what you mean when you say the book 'spoke to you' so true, the winning feature of the book.

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I think I should read the book [i normally do before watching a film..] but I was really excited to see the movie because I thought the book sounded good but the movie just didn't hold my interest and I didn't even finish watching it.

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