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How do you tell what way the girl likes you?


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Okay there is this girl I really like in my History class. I first talked to her about a week ago, but I was attracted to her from the start of the semester. I am usually late to the class so I had never gotten a chance to talk to her before.


Well a couple weeks ago I went to class early to finish an assignment and I noticed her standing outside the door waiting to go in. I struck up a conversation with her regarding the homework due. Well we hit it off instantly and when I would ask her questions she would respond and ask me questions back. I read it on her face right away that she was attracted to me and I went in with her and sat by her. We continued talking and it was smooth- no nervousness/awkwardness at all.


The next class I was way late so I did not get to sit by her but I sat behind her. As we were leaving I told her to wait up a sec as I went to hand in my homework. She walked out with me and we talked until she reached the point where she had to go. This encounter was way more awkward and nervous, for both of us. As she was leaving I said "hey sit in back next time" kinda joking and she smiled and said "OK I will."


So next class I got there and she was sitting in back and she saved me a seat. We started talking right away and all the nervousness was gone. After class we talked again and she even went down to the library with me to go check out a book for class that we both needed to do. At the end we just smiled and said "have a good weeekend" and that was it.


Now it is obvious to me she likes me in some way. What I want to know is what way she likes me. She is so hot but yet she seems like the quiet type as she doesnt talk to anyone else in the class. The mixed signals I get is when I flirt with her and she seems to be not flirting back. I act playful with her and she laughs but doesn't necessarily reciprocate it.


Is there any way I can know for sure without asking? What do you guys think? Her body language seems to be open to me and I can get her to smile easily. Maybe it SEEMS like she is not flirting back but she is just shy/quiet. I dont know. Also I am in a wheelchair which might make her uncomfortable as we havent really talked about my being in a wheelchair. That said I know I am still an attractive and fun guy so it SHOULDNT make a difference right? We have a test next Monday so this week I think I will ask her if she wants to study together for it, outside class.


What I would really like is if anyone has any ideas or tips on how to get the knowledge of whether she is interested in me as more than a friend.


Thanks guys!! Sorry this is so long.

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i think from what you are saying she is just shy... i think it is a really good idea to ask her to study with you if she was not interested in you she most likely would not have sat in back when you joked around and said that and if she really was not interested i dont think you guys would have talk so much.. i would get her # and you can get to know her better and you should study with her.


goodluck i think it is looking good for you

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from what it sounds like to me it sounds like she is interested but u gotta give it a lil bit more and she will probably like you.She seems shy like they have been saying and i think that u would probably have to be the person who gets things going and she will probably like u but iono hopefully i can help with anything else and good luck to u my friend

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I agree. From my perspective it sounds like she is the kind of girl who is friendly but too shy to make the first move (unfortuately, I can say this from experience). So I think you should go for it and ask her to study with you and see where it goes from there.

Good luck!

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She remembered to sit in the back for you, so she's thinking about you. Definitely good, but don't propose yet. See that you let her understand that you're checking her out, you're not sold yet. Be real comfortable around her, but don't become clingy at all. Studying together may be OK, but I think there's a risk that you'll slip into the "friends" category if it's too much. Again, though, if you're a good student, showing your brains in a supportive way can be attractive.

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