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Did I make the right decision?


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Hey? I recently broke up with my gf of almost a year and a half. I really loved/love her. Honestly, did everything could for us and her. Recently she told me she joined some car club, but only gave vague details and a web address. So I go to the address for more info. I find her on the site, and I see her posts. She wrote what kind of car she has (not an issue) and emphasized she was female (upsetting). She also posted two pictures of herself...one from before we were together, and the other was just of her face. Now, the one with just her face was actually a picture me and her took together...she cropped me out, then posted it on a dominantly male forum. When I confronted her, she said nonsensical things like "It was only just supposed to me..." She also said we we're fighting at the time, I checked my messages before she came over, and guess what? We were NOT fighting. Finally she says its because I break up with her all the time, and she didn't know when I was going to leave her again, so she keeps me private...even though she came to my aunts bday party the previous saturday, and I went out to her folks place the next day to celebrate her grandfathers and fathers bday (which, I got them both a gift). After seeing that I would never deny her to my close family/friends, and she would sweep me under the rug to complete strangers I left her. Did I make the right decision? I still love her...

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Hmm well technically she was not cheating. But I am very jealous too and a lot of reasons why I dumped my ex that I love still, is because he always was doing crap like your gf...

He wouldn't wear his wedding ring, he loved female attention he would talk and flirt with women and act like he was single all the time...

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I honestly don't see what she did wrong. I would NEVER post a picture of myself with my partner on a forum, purely out of respect for him. Even when posting pictures on Facebook that only my "real life" friends can see, I ask his permission. Whilst I wouldn't be bothered if he posted a picture of me with him, out of respect, I check with him before publicising any images of him. In this case, it really isn't appropriate or relevant for her to post a picture with you. it doesn't mean she thinks any less of you. I don't feel the need to post a picture of my partner with me on other forums I use regularly.


You actually come accross as quite controlling/possessive. No, I don't think you did the wrong thing by ending it. I think you've kindly given this girl a lucky escape.

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If she was honest with you, instead of making excuses then I say you were overreacting. However, she made it looked suspicious by arguing and making up things. So I understand why you have reasonable suspicion that she might be up to something. My ex was the same way, she flirted with many guys. I was being understanding, and think nothing of it. She eventually found her "love" on the internet and left me for him.


I think you made the right decision in a sense that it will bring you peace of mind. With women like that, you will always guessing and wonder, which disturb you mental balance. Also she doesn't do a very good job of explaining herself either.

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Thanks for the input. I got more for ya, so lets thicken the plot...


So, the next day after I broke up with her. I browsed POF (plenty of fish) to see if she would have made a profile...and what do you know? She has a profile with PRIVATE photos. Her information gives her away. I'm beyond positive its her too. I'd bet my right arm. Now, I had a friend hit her up (I know, tacky right?) She didn't respond...BUT, what she did was made her entire profile private. Am I over reacting, or is this cold and cruel that she would do this immediately after the break up?

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I agree. My b/f has just split with me. His choice. You made your decision so its up to her what she does now. The feeling of not knowing if someone gonna break up with you or not is horrible. Make for a really insecure person in relationship which is what she was, but only probably because of how you made her feel. Was she the one whenever there was a problem that did all the making up?

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@ Siren610


No, I was. I'd have a problem with something and I would end up being the one to apologize. It was like she wouldn't mind stepping out of bounds, but when she was caught, did not want to deal with the consequences...by any means. Have any of you guys or women had to deal with something similar? You had an issue with your relationship, presented it, and the only way out was apologizing? Or am I just a complete throw rug?

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