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They Told You


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OK, this is more of a song than an actual poem because I want to get my guitar fixed and actually learn how to play simple & legit, but it still conveys a mood (even if my mood isn't as dark as the song turned out to be at the moment). I rushed the title... I dunno what to call it. Well, w/e...


"They Told You"


You feel the passion everyday

Wandering aimlessly in the dark

Never knowing what to say


Never breaking through the mold

Spiraling hopelessly in the wind

You always do what you were told

And they told you


Will you find what you are looking for

Be the one that opens the door of

Life is what you make of it

This we know for sure

Makes you wonder what it's all for


If chance happens will you understand

Failing pointlessly in the cold

Can you speak without a reprimand


Can you face yourself in the morning

Tumbling recklessly in the black

If it all ends give me a warning

And they warned you


Will you find what you are looking for

Be the one that opens the door of

Life is what you make of it

This we know for sure

Makes you wonder what it's all for


And they told you

And they told you

And they told you that everything will be alright


But now I know

But now I know

But now I know that they all were being polite

And they asked me


Will I find what I am looking for

Will I be the one that opens the door of

Life is what I make of it

I know this for sure

It makes me wonder what it's all for

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