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I think i like her...


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Well, its a long and complicated story, but i was gonna ask her out a year ago, i didnt really know her that well and made the idiot mistake of telling my friend. Within a day it was throughout the school and i made an idiot of myself. She went out with the popular guy, of course . Anyway, i backed off for a long time, flirted with other girls, got regected of course. Then the next school year came and i think she might have broken up with the popular guy. I found her aim screen name in my friends profile and i imd her. We talked for a while and i think i like her again. But whenever i try to talk to her irl, i somehow always leave the conversation feeling like an idiot (even just asking to borrow her pen today made me feel stupid ). Its really hard to talk to her in school because she hangs out with her friends and i hang out with mine and i dont even know the names of her friends so thats something i might have to work on. And it might just be my imagination, but whenever i look at her she looks at me and smiles. Maybe im just fooling myself, i know ill never get a girlfriend anyway, because my weight loss plan fell through .


so, i guess i actually have 2 questions

1. how am i supposed to talk to her without making a fool of myself?

and 2. how am i suppost to get to know her better?


ill try to look at this as much as i can and post replys to any of your questions


oh, and if you look through my posts and wonder "what happened to the girl he was having flirting problems with?" she went out with someone else.... one of my best friends, i dont know if that makes it better or worse


(and adam! if you see this, dont you dare tell anyone... yes you, i dont know if you still look through this site or not)

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your just down on confidence a bit i think try be a bit more positive se probably does like you. talk to her on aim or msn or something and see how you go then from there get her phone number and talk to her on the phone by this satge you should know her enough to talk to her at school and she will introduce you to her friends. But dont think no one will ever like you i mean even really goodlooking people look ugly to some people its just people have different tastes, I.M me if you want more help and keep me posted

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When you talk to her, just don't worry about making a fool of yourself, and you won't. You're just in a bad state of mind...but once you get to know her more, and as time passes, I'm sure if you decide to ask her out later, she'll say yes! All in good time...good luck!

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When i talk to girls i like a lot, i feel like i stay stupid stuff too, or at least i used to. Don't think about it, cuz when u like someone, u want everything to be perfect and then u end up over-analyzing everything, she won't think about every detail in the conversation, so don't do it either. So next time u talk to her, just be yourself and don't try to over-do it. Then after, don't feel like u did anything wrong.

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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks guys.


well, ive been talking to her alot more and theres nothing new. so one of my friends offered to ask her what she thinks of me (mixed with a few other guys in the school) and ive been wondering if this is the right way to go? if my friend forgets to add in a few other guys and just asks about me, then im afraid that she'll back off from me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry for dragging up an old post,


aarrgh! i cant freakin talk to her! whenever i get the chance i screw it up. my brain just kinda sticks and i cant think of anything to say. im not even sure that when she smiles at me wether its just to be nice or something else (most likely the latter). she gave me one of her school pictures today and i wanted to say something but i couldnt think! aaaaaarrrgh!!



again, sorry for dragging up an old post

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ok, i usually have a reply by now. i guess i wasnt too clear. i think i need conversational tips.


we were talking in the hall earlyer today after school and this is basically how it went

me-you know, we dont talk enough during school

her-well, thats because we only have 1 class together

me- i know

her-(jokingly)well why did you make it like that?! maybe i should change all my classes so were in each one!

me-its not my fault! i only chose the classes! the school chooses my schedule!

her-(still playfully)well, im mad at you!

me-heh err....

she just kind of smiled and laughed

i got distracted by a teacher pointing out my broken bookbag

me-well ill see you monday, unless youre still mad at me


well, umm..... comments? suggestions/conversational tips?

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well all you need to do is just turn whatever she says into another conversation if u get me for eg: you say nice earrings where u get dem she says: from bob's jewlery you say: mi mum shops there i h8 it because its boring. you see what i mean if you dont. pm me and ill explain more

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sorry for all these questions


she was crying in my last class today, i asked her what was wrong and she said she didnt want to talk about it. she had to leave early so i told her that "i hope you feel better" as she passed.


what should i do?


btw, my friend sam was trying to make her feel better too, but we both realised we have no idea what to do in those situations

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