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how powerful is love?


up to what extent would you go for the sake of love?


what's the sweetest thing that a person has done for you in the name of love?


what is it that you know about love that you think others dont know?


just wanna know your insights...

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1. I think that love is so powerful that can make you do crazy things. (But mabey those crazy things are not the right things to do)


2. I would rather leave all my friends behind but be with the one that I love, than to have all the friends in the world and be daing for love in the inside.


3. Tell me they love me.


4. I think that a SOME people think that you can only express love by sex, and thats not right. This is what I have actually seen in real life (or heard from a real close friend that tell me everything)

I hope that was something... take care 8)

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1) With me an my Gf love is powerful enough to just about overcome any outside force. From where i stand, It could be considered to be the most powerful Juggernaut i have ever encountered. Love survives natural disater, sickness, temptation, human limitations. As they say in church the three things that are eternal; Love is the strongest of them all.


2) i would die for her


3) Spent all day making me a birthday dinner from scratch; cake and all.


4) Perhaps that it is more valuable than anything else on this Rock. Agape(love for God) Eros (romantic love) and Philia (friendship love) make life what it is; money, power et al no matter how much you have cannot begin to replace these things

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1. Love is powerful enough to conquer any obstacle. Money, time, distance... If it's real, it will last no matter what.


2. I would die for him without a second thought.


3. The sweetest thing? Everything he does is sweet. I think the sweetest thing he's done is let me do something special for him. It's hard to get guys to let their girls do big things for them sometimes.


4. I think people know this, but they don't really think about it or apply it. A lot of people think that if their relationship isn't like a fairy tale story- if there are disagreements, or problems, if anything negative happens- then it isn't real love and it isn't going to last. There is no such thing as "the perfect relationship" in the sense that society means it. Everyone is human, which means that everyone has flaws. The greatest thing about love is not that it makes those things disappear, but that it helps you to overcome problems as they arise, making your relationship stronger. "The prefect relationship", in reality, is the one where both partners are willing to try and work through anything with open hearts and minds. Unconditional love.

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Love them enough to set them free, no matter how much you need them because of your feelings for them.


easier said than done huh.

though id rather say it this way: ... set them free, no matter how much you love them.


you need a person because you love him, not

you love a person just because you need him



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1.) I believe it is one of the most powerful emotions next to anger.


2.) The person for whom I have loved, I would have died for them.


3.) Besides kindess, out of friendship, that is the only love I have received.


4.) I know about how to handle relationships, and I am sure others to do. It all depends on the person.

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