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mixed feelings...


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i am 20 years old girl and i'm at a Technikon.

i have known this guy for a year.i got to know him through my friend.


He pays me visits and he would insist that i help him with his assignments.

whenever he visits he's always giggles or laughs at what i say for no apparent reason even if what isay is not funny.

he would go on looking at my pictures and give me compliments indirectly.

He talks to me in that friendly tone and i think he respects me.


Then one day we were just hving a normal conversation and out of the blue he asked if i was dating anyone, i told him i was not dating anyone. He asked when i last dated anyone. then i told him i don't know and that i have a short( i said this beacuse i've never dated anyone before and i wouldn't tell him that because it's an embarrassment.)


After his questions i asked why he was asking me all those questions then he said he" is interested".

After he told me that he changed the subject to something else.


Why did he have to change the subject all of a sudden?was it something i said that turned him down?


Do you think this guy is really interested or was he just playing with my feelings?

Was this too soon for him to tell me, cause normally i hear people saying that guys would take them out and spend a lot of time out before they tell them they are interested.




Your advice is highly appreciated...

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You are the best judge of his character. Is he the kind to mess with your feelings? You should tell your friend what he said to you and ask their opinion, he might even have told them that he likes you. But if he's told you he's interested, then changed the subject, he was probably embarrassed because you didn't say anything. Do you like him?

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Heard of the expression "passing the buck" well he just passed you the buck of his interested, it your move.


Why did he have to change the subject all of a sudden ?
- he passed the buck to you, now he wants to see if you are interested enough to pass it back.


I call this the sheep whistling syndrome, when you feel emotion for someone and don't want to be rejected you ask a question in a sheepishly manner and whistle afterwords as if nothing had happened.


Its your move......

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