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Not sure how to help her


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A couple months ago I went to visit my family, I met my sisters boyfriend, they were together about 6 months, while I was visiting they had an argument (he was breaking up with her a lot because he was not sure what he wanted and would always come back a couple days later saying he was sorry) Anyways, after this fight I told my sister she should just give him space and when he called to ignore or tell him he needs to think about what he wants so he doesn't keep hurting her. About 2 days after the fight her phone was going crazy and he was apologizing and saying he wanted her back, she said "No, I can't keep doing this" he wanted to see her the next day to talk and she said "maybe" One hour later she felt really bad at how the conversation ended and she decided to call him, his brother answered the phone and was panicking, he said my sisters boyfriend had hung himself, the cops were there and the ambulance. He still had a pulse but died in the hospital 2 days later. Needless to say she was and still is a wreck...I thought I could somehow relate and help her since I had an ex that died a month after we broke up a few years earlier, and I extended my visit to stay with her, but did eventually have to come back home. I know she has made comments herself about suicide since this has happened, and it worries me. She has started seeing a counselor, but from what I know she has spent a lot of time locked in her room, she wont answer my calls anymore..I am a country away from her and not sure what to do. Any advice?

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* She needs someone to watch her all the time.

* She needs professional help, a psychiatrist.

* It is not her fault, she shouldn't blame herself. He had mental issues and probably a story where his parents made him very sentitive to the feeling of being abandoned. It was not going to be a healthy relationship anyway.

* She cannot be responsible for something she did not know. Had she known he had a mental issue and had she known how to handle it, it would have been different, but it was not the case. She had no control over his brain, so she could not do anything.


Perhaps you can't do this, but you may find someone who may help.


Brain malfunctions translate into behavioral problems and an altered perception of reality, distored thoughts and feelings and in general terms overreacting or reacting incorrectly before a certain reality. It is clear to me that this guy had issues.


Brain is a biochemical machine and sometimes it does not work properly, like any other machine. Suicide is an extreme case of malfunction. Psychiatrists face these kind of cases all the time. She should ask a psychiatrist for answers on how to handle this. A psychologists may not be the right one to offer answers. Psychiatry is more like a branch of neurology, while psychology is about handling mental process without brain biochemical failures.

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