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my ex in hospital dont now what to do

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iv just found out my ex is in hospital with menajitis. i feel so bad b/c the last time i spoke to her was on sunday.


i was not very nice to her on the phone b/c iv had a really bad week. (we are still good friends and talk all the time) well just say we both but the phone down with out saying good bye. that was the last time iv spoken to her.


im blaming myself 4 whats has happened. i just wish i was nice to her on the phone or even txts her in the week.


i dont no if i should sent a card or even flowers. if i do send a card what should i put in it. any help wood really good thanx

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I would think you should send a card and flowers (make sure its a "get well" flower arrangement and not a love or anything else) regardless of whether or not you're on good terms. It's just the right thing to do if she's in the hospital with an illness.

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Stopping by would also be the honorable thing to do, but just be careful. If she has multiple IV's and other tubes feeding into her, then it could give you severe emotional distress on top of any feelings you might have for her. You have to be ready to face that. If you think you can't, then you should send flowers and wait until she is sent home to come visit.

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I think you should take the flowers yourself to the hospital. And i'm sorry to hear this news, hope she has a speedy recovery. Don't blame yourself for this (but remember in the future not to take stuff out on people because you are having a bad week


Best wishes, Scout

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I agree with everyone else. Get her a card & flowers & take them to her yourself. It will show her that you really do care about her. She probably thinks you are mad at her, so visiting her will probably make things a lot better.


Just get her a get well card. Maybe put in it that you hope she gets well soon & that you are sorry if you hurt her & that you really care about her.


Its not your fault she's there, so don't think that. People do get sick. The best thing you can do right now is show her you care about her. Thats what will make her feel the best.

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thanx everyone for your advice. she lives about 200 miles away. so it may be bit hard to visit her.


(this week has not been good as 2 of my colleges at work got shot over the weekend. i was really stress about it and taking out on her) lets hope she get better and i'll visit her when she is at home as im sure her family will be there and i dont wont to be in the way


once again thanx 4 your adive everyone

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