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Being Approached By A Stranger


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It depends on many factors:


- location


- time


- reason


- what you say first


- who I'm with


- my mood.


It really depends. I live in a city where men practically gawk at and appear to be willing to throw themselves at any woman passing by. So, for this reason, I am very wary of strange men and usually ignore their comments and advances.


I'm sorry if this seems snotty, but I'd rather just get on with my day than be heckled by random men on the street. Sometimes I just want to walk to work and back without having some guy whistle at me from his car. It gets to the point that I keep my sunglasses on and look straight ahead, ignoring everything else.


If I'm approached in a very non-threatening way in a safe location, with conversation other than something that starts with a compliment I'm usually more receptive. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but initiating conversation with "you're hot", or something along those lines, doesn't communicate to me that he's coming in peace and without sexual expectations. Women get used to brushing off this kind of attention because it happens so often. I think compliments are best saved until you can work up a bit of friendly trust in a conversation.

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I'm sorry if this seems snotty, but I'd rather just get on with my day than be heckled by random men on the street
- Your right I love this quote from one women "being a beach is a time management tool"


Scout Why ? - I am a picky stalker just wanting to know a way to stalk without make someone uncomfortable .... I know exactly what type of women I like, usually can tell in 30 secs from their eyes, so little free time and being very selective, I alway approach someone who meets some of my first basic criteria.


More details,


Well what was the best way you have every been approached and the worst, your friends experience count too. OceanEyes has a very valid point do not come accross as a dog in heat. I'd like your opinion if you are approached when among friends ...

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