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Guys- how do you deal with girls' games?

Double J

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My question is this. Say you meet a girl and you talk to her for a certain amount of time on the phone. Everything is going fine, you seem to enjoy talking to one another. But gradually, you notice that the number of conversations on the phone starts to decrease and she doesn't seem to be around as much. She might be very busy with school/work and other stuff, but that is no excuse not to talk on the phone for at least 10 minutes.


How persistent are you guys with girls? What does it take for you to give up on them; e.g., they don't ever call you, they don't answer the phone after 5 times you call? I'm sure that if this behavior is ongoing for far too long, most of us will lose interest and move on.

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The reason girls start to do this is because they want guys to make moves on them, and when they don't it bores them and they start to get and unavailable to test and see how you will respond.


The cure is to remain and interesting person to them that also isn't afraid to get it on when they want to get it on. If you know what I mean.

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Well im am kinda in this sitation with this girl im dating. She is very busy and doesnt have much time since she started school. Well before she started school she told me that she was going to get really busy. Well about 2 or 3 weeks into school I got pissed every weekend cause I either had to work or she had some Volleyball game. And we just couldnt hang out much any more. So it got to me one day and said she only talks to me cause she is bored. Well that didnt go over well we almost stopped talking which im glad we didnt. I just put up with it she has changed some what since we have got into arugument. She talks to me alot more. I havent seen her in about 2 weeks and 3 days. She told me last night she missed me which I was very surprised she said that I never had a girl tell me that she missed me. I would try to confront her about it and see what she says if it is possible.

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