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What do you do when your ex turns everyone against you?


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I got dumped by text after a year. And my ex turned everyone against me, so he would still be the "good guy". Also so that no one would tell me he was cheating on me. I got screwed over yet everyone took the cheater's side? Why is this? Doesn't that make them think how untrustworthy these people are? I am sick to death with taking the high road. Yet these sheep betrayed me and that's ok? Why is that? I saw them recently and hoped they would be divorced right now. Unfortunately they weren't. I was suicidal and yet not one person contacted to see if I was ok.

As I said I ran into these two faced sheep and it made me angry again. I've heard of other stories like this, but the friends NEVER took the cheaters side. How would they like to be screwed over? They didn't care about screwing me over.

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When people split up, the mutual friends usually have to pick a side. It sucks but that's usually what happens. Sounds like he wove quite a tale to all of those people. Sorry that happened to you but it usually does. I'm glad for you that he's gone. Sounds like someone who would make a woman a great ex.

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Cheaters often have lots of charm and charisma..which is how they get someone else interested in them. This same charm is used on the world at large. People are easily taken in by glitz and charm. Look at the Kardashian sisters...glitzy and charming with nothing real to offer but the world falls at their feet giving them attention. Look at Mick Jagger...in his 60's and still charms the pants off of young models even though he is not very good looking. Sure, money and fame helps, but I am sure he knows how to turn on the charm to convince these women to be with him. This is the way of the world...even in the workplace the charmers get the people supporting them.

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When people split up, the mutual friends usually have to pick a side. It sucks but that's usually what happens. .


This. I know when my ex and I broke up, he IMMEDIATELY played the "woe is me, why did she do this to me" card to all our friends. It was very strange. To my face, he would say "the break up was the best thing for us", and but to our friends he'd say, "I can't believe he did this, let me tell you all the things she did." Ugh, what a pain. I myself though, since I had already moved to a whole other state, I didnt say too much to my friends about it. I didn't give "my side" cause for the most part, I didnt think it was needed anymore; I wasn't around them. And I didnt think any of it was their business, since they didn't really care about it so much, when we actually WERE together.


OP, I'm sorry he cheated on you. I agree with CrazyAboutDogs. Cheaters do have charm and charisma, which they often weave on your friends after you two are split.

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These people wouldnt make good friends anyway. When I went through my divorce my ex contacted my best friends from college and tried to befriend them. These ex's are so insecure and need help to play the victim role so most if not all the people they surround themselves with are just as insecure. Trust me it sucks because you feel as if the world is against you and maybe you have problems. Learn what you need to learn from the relationship, forgive him and your ex friends and make sure you put positive energy out there- great things and happiness will come to you. The road is filled with potholes for jerks like your ex and old friends. Smile

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