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Update for you guys on my problems

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Heres a little update if you remember me from this post:




If you dont know what happened then please feel free to read it for the whole situation.


UPDATE: Havent contacted her since that last text. (its been 8 days). But i feel weird saying this but idk if this means anything but i had a dream 3 nights ago and last night that me and her hooked up again and got back to our old thing we had. Does that mean anything? lol little depressing cause im trying to drop her but yet im having dreams about her.... haha. but im thinking maybe this weekend texting her saying hey and asking her how shes doing and not texting back or should i? or shouhld i in all not text her??


thanks everyone just so messed up. shes the first girl i just cant seem to drop and stop thinking abot and idk whyyyyyyyyy its driving me KRAZAY

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I've had dreams about the ex too, but mine recently have been after we broke up (I believe), but they're odd. We are just kind of there together, in a weird sort of limbo... not together, but in a sense not really apart (no not FWB). I don't know. Though I have had dreams come true or seem to correlate with the future. But never mind my rambling, has she asked to be left alone? And 8 days isn't a long time (especially if she did ask to be alone).


I know it's hard not to contact the ex, been having a bit of my own struggle recently (though I'm proud to say I'm winning the internal battle).

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I've had dreams about the ex too, but mine recently have been after we broke up (I believe), but they're odd. We are just kind of there together, in a weird sort of limbo... not together, but in a sense not really apart (no not FWB). I don't know. Though I have had dreams come true or seem to correlate with the future. But never mind my rambling, has she asked to be left alone? And 8 days isn't a long time (especially if she did ask to be alone).


I know it's hard not to contact the ex, been having a bit of my own struggle recently (though I'm proud to say I'm winning the internal battle).


no she hasnt been asked to be alone. she just said she wants to be friends. todays starts day 9. so harrrrrrrd

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Dont send that text this weekend. It wont have the effect you are hoping for. Lay low and keep chugging. You get more mysterious by the day!


will me just haveing a normal conversaton with her not help? i can like space it out. text her tomorrow. then not again til monday. then wait two days and text her again. just not all at once and space it out. or is that a pu$$y move by me?

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will me just haveing a normal conversaton with her not help? i can like space it out. text her tomorrow. then not again til monday. then wait two days and text her again. just not all at once and space it out. or is that a pu$$y move by me?


When I read this I thought you were joking, but then realized, I think you are not. Let me see if I can say this another way "DO NOT TEXT HER AT ALL!"

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What do you think talking to her is going to accomplish? If she wanted to talk to you, she would pick up the phone and call you. There is nothing you can do to fix this. So do nothing. Just the tiniest of tiny contacts will paint you as desperate and someone with nothing better to do. Go ahead and talk to her if you must, but be prepared to gain nothing and set you back again. Do not confuse the fact you cant stop thinking about her as that is what she is feeling too..... that will get you everytime.

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