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I need some help. Im in love


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I'm 14 and I am in love wih this girl but the problem is shes my best friend. She knows i used to be attracted to her but she dosent know that i'm actually in love with her.

She's helped me through some tough times over the past few months and thats why I have fallen in love with her, she's the most amazing person I have ever met. I love her to bits but I cant date this girl because I dont want to lose my best friend.We have allways been honest with eachother so i really want to tell her but i dont know if that is going to damage our friendship.

I need a way of getting over these feelings, because they are tearing me apart from the inside, and its really starting to make me feel depressed.

Please help someone.

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i had the same problem with my best friend. i met him in year 5 and we have been good friends ever since.


its probably about a year ago now though that we kept falling out, but after a while i realised that it was always over the same thing, the people i was going out with or who i fancied. one day we had been texting each other and had fallen out but made up practically straight away, but then he said to me this is never going to work is it? and i asked him what he meant and he mixed up all the letters in the words 'i fancy you' and sent them to me and told me to work out what it said. i did and i text him a few days later telling him i knew what the text said. he was really embarrassed and wouldn't talk to me for weeks. i eventually got him to meet up with me and it wasn't the same anymore, we couldn't talk like we'd used to, he was scared to hug me or come near me incase he gave me the impression he was trying to get with me, and then i wouldn't dare hug him or go near him incase i gave him the wrong idea and made him think i wanted to be more than friends too.


since then it hasn't been the same, i think our friendship has been ruined, all because he told me he fancied me and i didn't fancy him back. now it just feels akward when we are together and because of this we hardly ever see each other anymore.


i would say that you should be certain about what your going to do before you do it? do you want to risk your friendship? you could ruin it all by wanting more and getting less when you tell her.


do you think she sees you as more than a friend? if not then i think you should stick with what you've already got, you dont want to ruin that do you?

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OK, to both of you, I had the biggest crush on my best friend for 3 years....to this day I feel like she is the one that got away. I asked her out once and she said no as she wasn't ready to have a b/f or anything like that. It was really awkward at first, but it didn't last....we goit over it with a little time, and in the end I got to dance with her at graduation, so I guess in a sort of way it worked out, but as far as our friendship goes....no permanent damag was done. This has been the case with many of my friends as well.....so don't worry too much about it.

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I had the same problem...I knew a girl, and we became friends...and eventually I fell in love with her. It was hard to forget her, but as long as you don't think about it, you'll get over it. Get yourself distracted and find something to do! Just anyway to get your mind of off it...and this way you'll be able to remain friends and not worry about telling her. Good luck!

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