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I 'need' to know if she likes me or not


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There's this girl I met a few months ago, and I liked her then a bit and she showed signs of being interested in me. Over time she mentioned that I had beautiful eyes, that just shocked me. And it's been hard for me not to stop thinking of her since then. Soon after, I went to talk to her, and later I found out she had a boyfriend. That sucked, a lot. But we've become better friends, and she's noticed I'm being less shy around her. Finally. Just a few days ago she broke up with her boyfriend ( they knew it wouldn't work out ), and she's been wanting to know who I like, again. I won't tell her, I know I should tell her. I told her I liked some a while back, when she asked. But it wasn't her I said. When we talk, our eyes pretty much stay hooked together, and it's wonderful. And I enjoy being close to her. I've gotten close by trying to take some lemon slices And she does touch me at times, such as this time she was laughing because of how I said something along the lines of "What about me!?", and just recently she couldn't stop laughing at this line I said, "I was just about to think that!". She was laughing so hard and long she was crying! And I was kind of mean to her by taking a lot of her smarties, but last night I gave her three boxes to her. I love her smile. I know this is long, so to get to the point, I know I should ask her out, but for me I 'need' to know if she likes me or not. But I can't just flat out ask her. And we've just become fairly good friends, and I don't know if I want to ruin that. But I do wish to get closer to her. One thing that is holding me back, is the fact that she is graduating from High School this year. I'm only in Grade 10. Can you tell me anything that could help me about this? What I should do? Say? Anything...?



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Take Action, the same thing happened to me, this girl in 8th grade sat next to me in science, she'd always ask me who i liked, and being too nervous to say it was her, i said no one really. She ALWAYS asked me...well i never asked her out, and i regret it to this day because a few years later she said how she liked me a lot in 8th grade, and in 9th (when i was a sentence away from asking her out, i was talking to her, about to ask her...and then i lost my nerve) Now she's been going out with the same guy for over a year, and i am really kicking myself for never doing anything. We became good friends throughout the year, so i know how u feel by not ruining it, but ASK HER OUT, and if she says no, at least u tried, but i seriously doubt she will....if she asks u who she likes all the time, or at least frequently, then she probably wants to know if she has a shot at u, but don't sit back and be shy, just do it, u'll never regret it...


I just wish i had taken the risk, cuz if i did we would've been going out...but i guess i'll have to find someone else...

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