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Shy girls - Are they always reluctant to show interest?

Double J

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My question is - Is a girl who is very shy usually not likely to show that she's interested in a guy? I know that a girl who's already been in a relationship can still be shy, but it seems to me like the ones who are really inexperienced (never been in a relationship or had a b/f) are the ones that find relationships, romance, flirting and other similar areas to be uncharted territory. So, it makes them reluctant to show interest because they might not even know what to do or how to do it.

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that is such a big move !!!

scout coz they tend to be easy, and since they are in enotalone that means they r not ok with being shy so that tells they wants to date !

so whats wrong with an easy hunt ? ? nothing i guess but still some of their keyboard typing is really attractive .....!


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let me add one more point in here !

shy girl is a better deal in all cases!

if we talk about deeper stage in a relation with a shy girl, myself i feel more secure, coz they tend to make u feel worthy, they appreciate everything, beside they really simple girls, they r just so cute and feminine


i dont have a problem myself, maybe i just sounded so but trust me i dont like when a girl is just counting too much on how guys she can get and how easy is that to her !

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A lot of people on this site tend to be shy themselves, or at least inexperienced and uncomfortable when it comes to relationships, dating, etc. People tend to seek out or be attracted to those with similar characteristics, those we feel we can relate to. Thus, it's natural that alot of people on here would be interested in the shy type. Plus, I find shy girls to give off this vibe of innocence and sincerity.


Shy people in general have a hard time opening up and showing their interested. I think the trick is to just be friendly and talk to her until your both comfortable around each other. If you get to the point where she's comfortable with you, there's a greater chance she'll say something.


I'm trying to figure this out myself. Being shy myself, its hard for me to show interest in a girl. But I'm attracted to shy girls who have trouble opening up themselves. So how does anything every get started?

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Well... first of all... shy girl are usually smarter. But thats just my thinking.


Second-, the not shy ones, and if they are good looking, they will usually have lines of boys behind her so... its not that great eather.


Third-, a not shy girl may be better because they are more open to talk about things that shy girls may not be so open.


And last- Its harder to tell if a shy girl likes you. So thats not very good. (or at list for me)

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Well, so the gist is that shy girls are easier to approach...I honestly don't get this. They don't talk, you have to practically pull conversation out of them.


I've answered several posts on eNotalone from guys that were having a hard time asking a shy girl out. One guy made the effort to put together a BBQ so he could ask a shy girl to it - she's new to the country. Her response? "I don't like BBQs."


Ok, at least with an outgoing girl you're not going to have to deal with such a social dud. And yes, guys do like outgoing girls, but if you have awesome qualities of your own, then what are you afraid of? A little competition? Don't be so insecure and quick to assume you won't get a date with an outgoing, friendly girl.


It's probably apparent by now that I fall into the "outgoing" category. And yes, some guys do appreciate that and don't feel threatened by it, but I hardly have a swarm of guys around me all the time (ok, maybe just a little swarm - just kiddin'!) My point is that at some point, if you suffer from crippling shyness, you need to make a huge effort to break out of that, because life is passing you by! And we only have one life! THIS IS NOT A DRESS REHEARSAL.


love, Scout

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ok but am doin my best anyway !

i dont have a problem with outgoing ladies, the type that i have a problem with is when the girl is thinking too much about herself, coz such girls sound like they r dumbing thier guys in seconds just because they can get another with lil effort !



understand now ?

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nobody's saying shy people are perfect or anything... of course there are selfish shy people, its not like we're another "race" or something..we're the same people just some are not as outgoing as the others.

And scout u must be thinking people that like shy people have something against the outgoing type..By all the things you're saying, its like you think they have problems by liking the shy-type.. but maybe they like the challenge, cuz its not that easy to make a shy person feel confortable around you...and besides not everybody likes shy people, i am sure that must of the men like the outgoing type better, cuz its easier for them to communicate, and all of that. theres a reason why shy people want to overcome their shyness,u know.. so they dont have problems trying to communicate how they feel..

and like someone said, u read more about people liking shy people here, because this forum is also about shy people, and we tend to go for our "kind" lol.

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No...shy girls know what to do to show their interest in someone, it's just that they're AFRAID of being rejected, so they're hesitant on making any moves. That's the entire reason why a person is shy in the first place. They are afraid of how their words or actions will be taken. The thing to do if you really really like a shy girl, is just draw her out of her shell. KEEP on acting interested, talk to her, ask her questions, etc...the way she responds to you will show you how she feels. Just be prepared to do most of the socializing work.

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