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The weather in Scandinavia?


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I will be going on a tour in Denmark, Sweden and Norway in late May and early June. I'm so excited, as I've never been on that side of the world before! Not that excited about the plane rides, though -_-;


How warm should I pack? What's the weather generally like during that time of year? I'm the type who shivers when it's 70 degrees Fahrenheit (about 21 C).

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Yeah, you're going to need a couple of heavy sweaters. Go to Savers or Goodwill and get woolen or knitted ones that you'd never wear in Hawaii. I had to wear 2-3 layers in certain places. It's not every time you go out, so you should bring some lighter pullovers, too. But when I went to this particular castle in Sweden where it was windy and rainy, and also on a ferry from Denmark to Sweden, brrrr!!!


I think it's better to be over-prepared than underprepared, so bring some thick sweats and then layer over those. Also, a couple of knitted scarves. I have the thin tropical blood too, haha. But really, it's not TOO bad (I don't recall the actual temp -- upper 40's at the worst, I think, and lots of 50's, 60's.)


I also think it'd be a good idea to bring a thick, lined windbreaker type jacket -- I actually would say like a light parka. Bring that on the plane, so it doesn't overfill your luggage, and you can also use it as a blanket. It's a LOOOONG ride. But don't forget to look at Greenland. It's an amazing sight from up there with all those ice floes. It almost looks extraterrestrial.

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I would invest in a good-quality wind/water proof lined jacket from an outdoorsy kind of store (Like Kathmandu - I don't know if these stores exist elsewhere!) as well as some thermal clothing and thick socks! It will be cold. It might even be worth investing in some snow boots? I backpacked through the south of New Zealand in the winter and my snow boots saved my feet from constantly being wet from snow melting on/in them! And I picked the snowboots up fairly cheaply too... though they ended up falling apart towards the end of my trip

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Sorry for the late reply, but thank you! I knew it was going to be colder, but wasn't quite sure how much during late spring an early summer. Especially since it can vary by region. When I stayed in Canada last summer, Vancouver was chilly while the middle area of the country was going through a heat wave @_@

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