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Finally something good happens


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I've had a pretty hard time the past few weeks, but finally my work is paying off. I know this girl and we conversate daily but I always try to leave her hanging on for next time. Lately she has come around approaching me more. (I'm like on an emotional high right now.) I got her number like the second time I talked to her like 1-2 months ago I've just let all this build up the past 2 months.


So the beginning of last week she tells me I really need to call her so we can go out... that doesn't work because I started a sales job this week and have extensive training. So about middle week she is sitting behind me and she keeps kicking my chair... I grab her leg so she stops then she totally stops and she kicks her leg up on the leg of my chair so I can rub on it. (now I'm thinking this is getting crazy) After school I take her to the tanning salon and she is really dogging me to call her, I let her know that I have to work all week//weekend so we'll hookup within the next week.


This is looking pretty good and how I want it to be but I'm worried she may get impatient. Any suggestions on stuff to do till we can go out and do something? Or should I just keep doing what I'm doing? She's not really flirty like this with others besides one of my friends but he has blown her off numerous times. So any suggestions on what to do till we get some free time?



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Well your friend or GF what ever you want to call it is in the kind of sitation that I am in. This girl im dating has very little time to do any thing cause she has school right now well I dogged her about not calling me or doing any thing then we got into arugument about it and that pretty much layed it down that I just have to wait it out until oct till things slow down for her. If you really like her then just wait it out cause thats what I am doing right now it sucks but ive told myself if something comes along better ill go for it but till then I can wait another month till she has free time.

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