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This is very confusing for me so maybe you all can help me figure this out. I met a guy while I was in the process of relocating to another city. We stayed in contact and in fact, at the insistance of him we began to date long distance until my new job started and I moved permanently to his area. He WAS NOT the reason for my move, but I began to look forward to spending time with him.


I finally moved in the beginning of summer and as soon as I did, he broke up with me. A week later he told me that he wanted to get back together and that he "freaked out". I gave him the benefit of the doubt and took him back. This happened 2 more times and that leads me to today...


He begged me to get back together with him last week. He said that I am a person he sees being with for a long time and that scares him. He is afraid that he will try to put a leash on me and be too controlling. SO after 2 hours of reassurance that he would NEVER do this to me again, he left me again on Saturday saying that he just isn't ready for a relationship.


He is always jealous when I hang out with my guy friends and can behave somewhat immaturly when he feels "threatened" He is 26 as am I.


My friends are telling me not to call him anymore and he will one day realize what he lost. He left me a voice mail yesterday saying that he is sorry for all he did to me but "don't pressure him to talk". I can't deal with the emotional rollercoaster and the mixed signals. WHat is he all about and what can I do to prevent this from happening all over again???

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Sounds like a strange situation to be in. If he says he's not ready I might believe him. On the other hand, I might not be available for his emotional roller coaster ride next time he decides to get back together as a ?couple?.


That doesn't mean you have to dump on him or anything, but you don't have to take it as seriously as he might want you to or as seriously as he thinks it is. If he wants to go on a date he'll be around.


At the same time don't let that stop you from establishing yourself and making new friends.

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