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Is love when your heart-beat raises beyond belief?

Trough Lolly

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last night was so special.. a friend of mine who i have a crush on came over after she dropped me home becuase id had a couple of drinks beforehand... after a bit of chit-chat we hopped into my bed and put the tv on low volume, just layed there and watched tv for a while.


after a few tickles and fooling around the "friendship" went onto another bound, we were then laying there bound upin eachother. we layed there hugging, noses touching, entwined upin my arms like a teddy for about 8 hours..


**earlier that week before this incident i told her how i felt about her, no more talk was to become of this as we agree'd we'd talk about it another day.


anyways back to the story..


we were laying there softly talking when i went quiet for about 30 seconds, she then asked what i was thinking. being the shy person i am i said "nothing..." so she kept on asking then went quiet for a brief second , so i leant over and kissed her on the lips.. to my relief, she kissed me back.


after we stopped kissing i noticed my breathing picked up, i could physically feel my heartbeat racing faster,faster.. it was...Awesome!

after probably around 40 minutes of cuddling and caressing i kissed her again.. same result! this time not as bad. the hard part was out of the way..

(let this be known, it was very special to me as this was my first "Real" kiss..)

strait after we finished the kiss i whispered softly.. "boom boom boom....", she was puzzled and asked what was that about, so i placed her hand on my chest and she could feel my heart beating.. she called me a twit and gave me a tiny kiss back.


anyways i dont really know why im posting, i guess my reason is.. ive never really been as close to that with a girl before..shes 25 and im only 19 which i like because i find younger girls around my age to..immature, i think im in love.. well maybe not as such, but if thats what love feels like then OMG , please let it happen again!



thanks for reading.. i think im gunna go "reminice"(SP) in my lonely bed that smells like her perfume..

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As long as you're mature, the age difference isn't that big. I'm 28 and my boyfriend is 21. His exceptional maturity makes up for the bit of an age gap.


And it sounds to me like you definitely have feelings for her! Love grows over time, so you may be feeling infatuation and excitment right now, but those things can evolve into real love if there is enough of a connection...


So I'd suggest you not think or analyze too much. Just enjoy this new turn of events without stopping to take inventory of your feelings after every kiss.



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So I'd suggest you not think or analyze too much. Just enjoy this new turn of events without stopping to take inventory of your feelings after every kiss.



thanks.. im not getting infatuated over the moment. was just a beautiful moment thats so hard to let go of after so many years of pain/emptyness... believe me , i dont want to stuff this up!



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