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Need opinions and advice please thanks alot


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Ok so me and ex have been broken up for a good bit now mabe 6 months if not more,Well I have been going out alot lately I dont know why because before I did not go out this much I come home get ready leave and go out with my friends,Well I have been getting use to the fact we are not together anymore with time but I still miss him like crazy,I am wondering after all this time I get a text message lastnight saying I dont think we should talk anymore,I call him up and ask what his problem is he sayed we are just not getting along and I said ok bye and hung up but after doing that I feel like sh@# mabe it snapped me back into how I felt when we broke up I dont know but I dont like the feeling and it started making me think of actually not being able to talk to him anymore and it kinda hurts,We still talked and all but only here and there,When he called me lastnight I had an attitude with him and he was in a bad mood so mabe that's what started it but I had an attitude because the night before his babies mother answers his phone at 4 in the morning which even though we are not together made me think of alot of things and made me think of how much I miss him and wish I was with him right now but I am not sure im so confused what could be making me want to stay out all the time like this?What do you think could be going on with me at this point in time in your opinions.Sorry this is so long but thanks in advance

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Well,it seems like you and your ex we in love.I think the reason your staying out so much is it keps your mind off your ex.That call that you got from him,saying he didnt want to talk,was obviously a shock.Plus,you havent been thinking of him for awhiel so yet another shock.I think you should keep going out like you are.It qwill keep your mind off of him plus let you have a little fun.Good luck.



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