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Theres this guy I have THE BIGGEST crush on...


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Theres this guy I have THE BIGGEST CRUSH on!!!!!! We both go to the same school, but the only diffrence is that i'm a sophemore, and hes a freshman. I really don't care about that tho...My friend told him that I really thought he was cute and now he wants to meet me! So, my friend told him that were gonna meet monday, and i'm really nurvous!!!!!! I tend to get a lil shy around guys ...And I want to make a lasting impression!! I really like him...I don't want to screw this up, I tend to screw myself over at times... ...I need help!!! Can SOMEONE give me some advise at what to do?....Thankx

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Here is the deal, if you come up and introduce yourself like so: Hi my name is _____ whats yours? He sais: Hi I'm _______. You say something related to one of the classes you both have or one of yours. Then after that your on your own. if you have anymore questions feel free to pm me. Im glad you dont care about that whole freshman sophmore thing, it has burned me a few times, and it really sucked! But now ima sophmore so I dont have that prob but it is still annoying.

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