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Does anal sex cause accidents?


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I know someone who worked as a hotel maid, and she said that sometimes when she was cleaning a room she would find feces on the bed. Is it because the guests there must have been having anal sex? Because I can't imagine anyone just squatting over the bed to take a dump unless they were massive jerks.


Sorry if this seems like a stupid question and if it should have been obvious to me, but I have no such experience to know from, and the Google results focus on incontinence rather than accidents.

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Question: was it a pile of feces or just a smear?


I have had the opportunity to partake in anal sex this winter (and I have done so!) and I can personally tell you that anal sex doesn't make you release feces. I mean, unless you got loose stool or something during it (ew). But to actually produce a pile of feces, you actually have to push that out. It takes effort.


I think if she actually found a pile of feces in the bed, someone did it as a joke (drunk, etc) rather than having it be an accident. People can really be pigs.

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fudgie... ironic.


um, anyway, if they are just little smears, probably from anal. I have only had anal sex maybe 3 times? Never had that as an issue but I do have a friend who said some pooh was on his penis and also have talked to gay men who say sometimes douching is a must.

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I know someone who worked as a hotel maid, and she said that sometimes when she was cleaning a room she would find feces on the bed. Is it because the guests there must have been having anal sex? Because I can't imagine anyone just squatting over the bed to take a dump unless they were massive jerks.


Sorry if this seems like a stupid question and if it should have been obvious to me, but I have no such experience to know from, and the Google results focus on incontinence rather than accidents.



you'd be surprised how many weirdo's stay in hotels. on the outside they are perfectly normal but underneath they have weird interests.

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I've worked at a hotel and HAVE encountered scary rooms... If it was from anal sex it mustve been very forceful. A man once stayed with another man I found out.. I am not trying to be gross.. but I have seen things.. I had to throw out so many things, there was blood and feces everything, from the bathroom to the bed. They mustve just been so dirty, based on what else I found (shaved in the tub but didn't wash it down).


It was so bad I had to refuse some of the work.. One of those horror film moments where until you pull back the blinds, the room looks ok.


It DOES happen. I've had sex and have never done that in my life. So I presume its rare? Some people ..

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People do very weird things, especially in hotel rooms. A lot of people from countries overseas are also sometimes not aware of how to use a bathroom in Western countries (I'm not joking!). So it may not be from anal sex... but then again I wouldn't know!

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People do very weird things, especially in hotel rooms. A lot of people from countries overseas are also sometimes not aware of how to use a bathroom in Western countries (I'm not joking!). So it may not be from anal sex... but then again I wouldn't know!


Ah yes the show prints on the toilet seat.


Even in their own Country sadly.

I paid 10 cents to use a public toilet in another Country but there was so much poop everywhere in every booth that I did not go.

This was in a Country which had the hole as well as the Western toilet bowl.

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^ I hate how they usually smell. The restrooms that have holes. And how they usually lack in toilet paper. I remember I was in a hurry to go once and the lady at the entrance to the loo was all like 'stop! You have to pay' lol... Just to enter. I really needed to go and I had to sprint back to get money.

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^ I hate how they usually smell. The restrooms that have holes. And how they usually lack in toilet paper. I remember I was in a hurry to go once and the lady at the entrance to the loo was all like 'stop! You have to pay' lol... Just to enter. I really needed to go and I had to sprint back to get money.


The place I went to had open drains everywhere so the place tended to smell a bit.

I went to one place which I was told to use to hose to clean my butt and it was a normal thing.


I couldn't adjust to firing a jet of water at my butt so I bought toilet paper.

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you'd be surprised how many weirdo's stay in hotels. on the outside they are perfectly normal but underneath they have weird interests.


I totally second this. Some people have some sort of fetish I think with messing up hotel rooms in the worst way! Working at a hotel was the worst job, ever.

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