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Salvation -This is a fictional PROSE piece-


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Prose implies short stories and is commonly associated with poetry. I really hope no one minds my putting this on here. o.O Enjoy? Hope so.


They said she could be anything if she only put her mind to it. Her parents, the teachers, even a counselor said Annie could have anything and everything she ever wanted. The girl of seventeen would lie awake for countless hours staring to the desolate ceiling of her chamber, contemplating over and over all they had said. Their words seemed the echo through the murmurs of the girls insanity, fading in and out until becoming but a soft whisper. A gasp escaped pursed lips as if the body were taking its first and final breathe of life from the world in which it decayed. She felt nothing but the pains of existence and carried the shame of secret storms. Their words sometimes seemed to be the only comfort for her madness; the only thing that kept the body from becoming completely hollow. Those who were close, and they were few, brought such comfort and reassurance to the innocent soul which always seemed like a plague on their lives. But one night changed the insanity and madness into a smoke of life which filled the body. After this night, nothing would be the same and no one would know how much Annie struggled to maintain her futile existence in this world of mass chaos.

He was her savior on Earth, her last attempt at holding a normal lifestyle. His perfection astounded Annie and when the two embraced, a soft warmth glowed about her. Storm-gray eyes settled beneath a calm brow and wavy brown hair; yes Eric was handsome. The light which burned from Eric stole the very essense of Annie and fell into his hands like a doll. When their lips met, her emerald eyes would fall shut while burning red hair drifted through his fingers. They held each other as if there was a raging storm around them; twisting and tearing those alone and those together. He would never let Annie go, never, not even if it meant saving her.

"You're so beautiful, I just want to make you beautiful." Eric moaned while pressing his shirtless body to the fragile figure which lay still and cold. Long finger tips like spiders gripped tightly to the chest, tugging and pulling. Slowly, they would move from beneath a plain night shirt and find someone else by rubbing an inner thigh, always moving closer. "Annie..." He groaned; pushing and panting while sweat pooled on his forehead. Eric couldn't see his beloved, for she was frozen in another reality. Over and over the girl would pretend as if nothing were happening and even when her lips met his, she insisted it was all about to end. Her world came through his clouded eyes and the girl secretly wept as the body she held was stolen. When her pants were removed, the girl stopped breathing and began to feel everything that was happening. She could no longer hide in a world of fantasy but had to except the truth of her reality. He too lowered his garments as the room began to haze over for Annie. She began to push and cry aloud as if signaling for her capture to give her breathe again. Eric only forced harder and when all seemed lost, she turned to the side and let out a long, sputtering cry. "I just want to be with you, Annie. I'm sorry if you don't want to be with me, I just want to be with you. You're so beautiful." But Annie refused to reply to his harsh, neglecting words of self pity. He wanted more than she could ever offer and that was something Eric would never understand.

Days turned into weeks, weeks to months and although his eyes were gone and the deed done, Annie could no longer look at herself or feel. Any hope of salvation had been dashed when Eric tried to be with her. They told her she could do anything; they told her she could be anyone. Annie finally realized that this was true, that she could become the one thing she wanted so desperately to be. With a mind made up and a firm hand, Annie wrote. "I can be anything. I have become something. I never wanted him and he never saw me." These words seemed to be the only sense Annie could make of the world that had swallowed her whole. The early hours of morning began to fill the now empty chamber which had once protected a girl from reality. A deep breathe filled a quivering body as two steel eyes narrowed their glance on the figure before them. She wore a simple, black dress and on her bed, the girl gave one last kiss to the night air.

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