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After about a week of NC, she contacted me w/ a chain letter


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the weird thing is, she sent it to just me, and to no one else...


email removed to me

Hide options Sep 14 (2 days ago)


From: email removed

To: email removed

Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 21:11:05 EDT

Subject: (no subject)

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luv u 4 ever.....and always 2 the end....i cant live with out ya.....b-cuz ur my friend.....send this to 10 ppl in the next 5 min.........and........u will get kissed on friday by da luv of ur life.... DONT BREAK THE chain!ur crush will ask u out. 2morow will b da best day of ur life. Howeva, if u don t send this 2 @ least 10 ppl bye @ least 12:00 2nite u will hav bad luck in ur luv life 4 da rest of ur life. dis is not a stupid lie or a fake. Just copy & past




im so excited, yet i dont want to get my hopes up and set myself up for disappointment, but i thought she just forgot about me


i dont get how to approach this situation, i havent called her or talked to her after i read this email (which i saw in my inbox today), i dont know how to approach this situation, im thinking about giving NC a little bit longer, you know to let her miss me kinda... then probably calling her and keeping a light and uptempo short conversation, then saying "well, i gotta go i (insert bs here), call me later if you want" then you know go with that for awhile and if im feeling the vibes, i will ask her to go see a movie or go get some ice cream with me... and will probably ask her to give it one more try...

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dont reply to it, at least not yet. a forward is a forward, do you reply to the forwards your friends send you? let it go for now, give it maybe 2 weeks then send an upbeat short email. 'hey how ya doin' kinda thing. why did you guys break up in the first place?


ps: gotta love all the haxor type. that is what they call it right? lol


"but 4 now take it E-Z -n- try 2 not think about da gurl 2 much." -lol jus messin'



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no give it time, she may just be lonely & to get back with someone just because youre lonely is NOT GOOD!


how old are you haze?



can you get on aim?


we broke up because, i smothered her kinda, like when school started, i was more frequently asking where she was going, who she was going with, if i can go, you know, and i wanted to hang out with her after school everyday, and i never gave her space, like if she went somewhere w/ her friends, i would wanna go too, and i guess she just wanted some time to herself, forwards usually have those




thingies, so it looks like she wrote this herself and sent it to just me, but im not too sure, altho she does type like those aol haxx0rz lool, but yeah, this brightened my day.

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also, she has this theory, that if a guy likes her enough, he will approach her, so i know she wont approach me anytime soon, and that i would have to approach her first, but after approaching her, she spills her guts.


but ill give it a light email in about 2 weeks, and just say hey hows it going? or something.

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Ive received similar chains like this b4. i agree with DragonGirl724 i think you should wait a bit and see if she send you a non-chain type e-mail.


also, she has this theory, that if a guy likes her enough, he will approach her, so i know she wont approach me anytime soon, and that i would have to approach her first, but after approaching her, she spills her guts.

Wait a min.. who was the dumper??

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