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talking to a girl when she is with her friends


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Okay here it is, there is this girl i like in my class i have noo idea if she likes me and i would love to get to know her better but it is very hard to do because A. she seems shy around new people "which i am 2" and everytime i see her she is always with her friends ..... like in class she sits always sits with her friends and everytime i see her in the hall or at lunch she is always with her friends. so my question is how do i go about joining them in their convos or seporating her from her friends for a bit? i am at a loss here so any ideas or suggestions are more then welcome!!!

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This is a golden opportunity. I use to think like you hunt the prey when they are alone. BULL


It makes the WHOLE interaction really fun.


Just make sure you plan and rehearse your steps and reactions over in your head a few dozen times.


Here it goes:

Your mindset is like I am going to ask her out, using the Survey Method:


Survey Method

Walk up to a group of girl, one of them who you are attracted to. "Hi Guys, I need some female opinions, ready ?" 9 out of 10 they will be up for it "I find one of you girls extremely attractive" make sure you make eye contact with everyone "But i can't decide weather to ask her out for a fun day out straightaway hmm or grab a cup of coffee and get to know one another, because my opinion of her might change after she open her mouth. So I guess the cup of coffee is a better idea, what do you think guys ?" smile quickly at the one you like and move eye contact to the others.


.... Then walk away with the girl you wanted gentlemen like....


Its a must try.

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You are right it takes balls to do that, but what better way of making a first impression than to walk-up to a girl and dump your big big balls in front of her lol.


Anyway it not about balls it about how you think of it. If you make this a huge deal in your head it will be, if you think it something real funny and whatever the outcome you are going to win, it will be easy.


The best part of this, is if the girl you like turns you down ask on the spot which other girl is single and free for coffee and some interesting conversation. At the worst every girl who know them will start to take interest in you. Make sure you lean back after your BIG question.


The key thing to understand about doing this thing is it must be done playfully, let me know what happens if you or anyone tries it.


Less bally, hmmm

walk up

1."I think you have incredibly sweet eyes and I want to talk to you for five minutes or so to find out what kind of person you are, I'll give you a minute to think about it " walk away and do not come back or look at her for the next 60 secs then come back, this is chick fuel for conversation. Anyway make sure you end the conversation in five or less minutes, do not ask standard questions and make sure at the end you ask her if she is nervous then end the conversation.


2. Write a note on the lines of "I like you ...... and I wanted to talk to you for five minutes or so to find out what kind of person you are, but I did not want to appear too bold, I'll give you a minute to think about it and I'll be back"

So walk up give the note walk away same as the previous.


So do you think you have enough balls to do that ?

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This is so funny... reminds me of a certain AC/DC song...


But I think I need some practice swings before I step up to that plate. That's major league level ballplaying there, and I'm still on the Tee-Ball level.


"Well I'm upper, upper class high society..."

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used to have similar problems confronting girls if they were with a mate what you need is a buddy whos willing to help you out.

The trick is to send in your buddy to take her friend to one side saying something like "my mate wants to have a quick word with your pal can we have a chat so he can talk to her as hes a bit shy"

Your dream date thinks shes being chatted up and feels a bit jealous.

You walk up to your date and begin to chat she will talk because she dont want to be left standing on her own.

The rest is up to you but we found that once you get girls split up to chat it was far easier than trying to tackle a group because girls will always worry about what there friends will think.


Dont know if this is any help good luck

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