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Recommendations for Workout DVDs?

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I exercise at home with a workout DVD. Right now I am using the Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred. I like it because it's short so I don't get bored, and intense enough so I feel satisfied. I'm currently at Level 2 and feel almost ready for the final level. About 2 years ago, I made it to Level 3 and thought it was easier than Level 2. So I may have to move on to another workout soon.


I bought a new DVD that looked interesting because it centers on dance moves, and features someone from "Dancing with the Stars," but didn't like it because learning the steps was harder than the workout itself. The intensity was too light.


My dad uses Insanity, but that's probably too much for me to go straight to. I'd rather do that one later when I'm more fit and ready for it. My brother uses P-90-X, but I don't care for that either because it feels too long for me. Does anyone have any good suggestions?

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It's best not to follow DVD or magazine workouts because all they do is make up some flashy routine to trick the unaware and make money.


I just did a google search on the Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred and some of the results said that it uses the principle of "muscle confusion" to tone and slim the body. I'm sorry but muscle confusion is a myth and only people with little knowledge about how the body works would believe it.


If your goal is to lose weight, there are two things that you must do:

- Eat a calorie deficit

- Cardio/HHIT


That's it. There are no hidden tricks or secrets to it.


Also, you cannot add muscle mass while trying to lose weight either. Anyone who says you can do both at the same time is telling you crap.

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One of my favorite DVD's is " The 10 Minute Solution Kickbox Bootcamp" - you can create your own workout and make it anywhere from 10-50 minutes. The moves are easy and effective and give you a good cardio workout, evenly using different muscle groups, and you will be sore the next day. I also don't find the instructor annoying.

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I know this isn't a DVD but I recently got the Zumba workout 'game' for Wii... If you're into dancing I would so get your hands on it! I did it with a friend and we were in hysterics the whole time - good fun and a great workout.

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Try what you enjoy and challenges you. All these programs are exercise so it's going to work along with healthy lifestyle and diet in general.


I'm all about confusion, the body hates changes and you constantly have to keep your mind and body active but not a routine that you plateau. I can say from doing Insanity after 60-days the results are great but it will get boring. It's very hard on your knees and back if you're not used to HIIT so something to consider if you have any back problem or any major joint issues as it involves a lot of jumping especially with plyometrics. It doesn't hurt to do their cardio session like P90X and switching things up to keep it fun.

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What matters at the end of the day is sweating and heavy breathing oxygen debt. This has to be constant on each day, if you dont at least have an oxygen debt (your body is screaming for oxygen which fuels to the body), then you are wasting your time. I would also avoid any carbs before the workout and in eating a huge meal before the workout.


I actually recommend HIIT cardio. You can find a bunch of free videos on youtube. I even create my own, now I am getting great results on high volume/frequency weight-training. I do highly recommend weight-training though, it further creates a metabolic system in your body that promotes fast weight loss, and it will prevent muscle loss from straight cardio.

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My goal is not necessarily to lose weight (I'd like it, but I don't really need it that much). I just want to keep challenging myself because it's a matter of time before I reach a plateau with my current workout. What I want is to be sweating and out of breath by the end.


I exercise at home because I like the privacy. If I go out and jog in public, I can't take off my shirt when it gets hot.


Thanks for the suggestions. I shall look up HIIT on youtube And I'll look at Zumba too. Now that someone mentioned the Wii, my brother also has Punch Out! That may be fun too.

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And I'll look at Zumba too. Now that someone mentioned the Wii, my brother also has Punch Out! That may be fun too.


There are actually lots of really great things on Wii that are good fun AND a good workout! I am a regularly exerciser and very into fitness, I was first very skeptical when looking at all this active Wii games and WiiFit stuff... but they are actually really great! And interactive as well - you can personalise it and keep track of your progress.

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I have recently ordered my first workout DVD ever. Have you heard of Cathe Friedrich? I found her on the internet when I was searching for highly recommended workout DVD's. She has a website, so just google her name and check her out. She has a range of workouts for different things, like stretching, cardio, aerobics, kickboxing, yoga, toning etc. And you can watch them all as well : )


P.s. All the reviews I have read about her workouts have been VERY good!

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