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Poem please read and reply thankyou :)


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Has it been to long has our love went away,

Have you thought about me am I over you today?


When we talk are we getting close once again,

Or is it just a friendly talk every now and then?


When I come over and we cuddle and fall asleep,

Is our love still there or is it burried to deep?


Could I be getting over this or is my mind playing a game,

Are you over me or is everything we had the same?


I may be getting better but I am still so confused,

But when I am with you I feel so amused.


I can finally look at you with a smile on my face,

But still the tear is there and it's something I cannot erase.


So why am I like this why is this happening to me,

Even though my eyes are open still it's you I see.


My heart beats for you and in my heart you shine,

If you no longer had a heart I would be there to give you mine.


Whenever you need something or someone to be there,

Call me up and let me know I will give you anything I can spare.


When you are angry or even have a tear fall from your eyes,

Dont be afraid to come to me and let out all of your cries.


When you are in trouble or need someone to talk to,

Just know that I will listen and be nothing but true.


So just know that I love you no matter how things are,

That somewhere out there I am never ever to far.


Tell me what you think??

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