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Just started dating but i want to do things the right way


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Hi, a few of you might remember a post i had about an irish girl id met and talked to whose chest turned bright red throughout our conversation. Well i talked to her in class and on the phone, we went out on a spectacular date, we saw a movie and then afterwards i drove her to the school parking lot and we ended up talking for 2 hours in between little bits of kissing, turns out i was her first kiss too so thats even better. Anyway on to my question, this is the first new relationship ive had in a LONG time, and yes she tells me she likes me alot and how cute i am because im so laid back and passive, the thing is, i dont want this to get old. Is it wrong to not call her one or two days...i mean sort of let her wonder about me to keep it exciting, i dont want to be calling her every night and have her get tired of me before i have a chance to go out on a couple more dates. We never have a dead silent conversation, usually its an hour and a half or so of solid talking but what if we run out of things to talk about? Anyway if some of the girls out there have opinions on a situation like this id love the help, thanks.



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Well, i'm a guy... but I hope my opinion still counts


Do what you think would be right in this relationship... Would you like her calling you every day? Maybe you do, but the answer is no... hehe


Give her a call the odd day, some days back to back but make sure you leave some room for reflection and thought.


If you get nervous or anything, share that with her so she doesn't sit there wondering whats going on. I find that if I share my feelings it makes things go alot easier and makes things run smoother.


Enjoy your relationship! She sounds like a great girl for ya!



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