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I feel helpless to stop him!


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It's not me who's the suicidal one. It's someone whose page I stumbled upon on another site (DeviantArt).


He's an 18-year-old who had written some journal entries on his user page. Some of the earlier entries showed that he was suffering from depression. And his latest one was written on New Year's Eve that he was finally planning to kill himself. He has an idea of how he's going to do it, and a list of what he's going to do beforehand (give away possessions, apologize to people, etc.), including who he wants his life insurance money to go to!


I left a comment trying to convince him not to do it, and to seek help from someone. A doctor, a family member, anyone! But that may not be much help since I'm merely a stranger who first saw his page just last night. He might not have even seen my comment!


I can try sending him a private note too, but I don't know if I will be able to get through to him. I don't know him, but I can't help being very concerned for him.

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Unfortunately, it's his choice to make. I respect you for your efforts though. I will also point out that since he has posted such things, he's less likely to go through with it. The ones we have to worry the most about are those who say nothing and suffer in silence. Hopefully, someone close to him is aware of his feelings and is encouraging him to seek help. He could also have contact or will contact a suicide hotline in which case they'll get him the help he wants. There are thousands of people online posting on sites about their plans to commit suicide. Again, if you feel so inclined to reach out to this individual, I encourage you to do so. It's likely you'll never know what happens to him, but your efforts are valiant nonetheless.

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You've done all you can to reassure and support him, and right now my concern's for you.


You are clearly a very caring person, and have really taken this poor young man's difficulties on board. However, even if you work for one of the suicide helplines, it's important to remember that some people, despite your best efforts, will go ahead and end their own lives. If that's the path they've chosen, then nobody will make them deviate from it. Yet very few actually go ahead and succeed.


Sometimes the act of describing what they are going to do, down to the last detail, is enough, and they don't then go ahead. I know the feeling of helplessness you experience when listening to someone who's reached the end of their tether like this - and I've also had the experience of getting a note from a caller who I was certain was going to go ahead, thanking me for being there and that they didn't do it. Sometimes a simple act of kindness like the one you describe above can be enough to let people know that the world is not a totally uncaring place.


If you think that sending him a private note would express your concern more clearly, and in a way that you'd want him to see, then go ahead - for yourself, and to reassure yourself that you've done everything in your power to support him. But then - at the risk of sounding harsh - you need to let go the outcome.



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