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New Years resolutions 2012


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Because I have such a sweet tooth.....


Tasty snacks under 100 calories


1 McVitties chocolate digestive

Cadburys Freddo

Scoop of YooMoo frozen yoghurt

2 Jaffa cakes

10 pringles

5 Jelly babies

2 low fat mini babybell

2 Petit Filous fromage fraise

Packet of snack a jacks

Packet of Wotsits

4 Cadburys chocolate fingers

2-3 walls Mini milks (Forgotten the calorie count but think it's 40 per ice lolly)

Packet of pickled onion space raiders

Thin bar of cadburys dairy milk

1 Tunnocks teacake

3 Fox's iced party rings

1 Jammy dodger

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  • Replies 85
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just joined a gym! That's another resolution (one that I didn't write down) ticked off. Of course, joining is the easy part...


Dead excited about getting back to working out though! I used to love the gym. Hopefully I can get back to the level of fitness I used to have before I became lazy and sedentary. One of the things that's prevented me from joining for so long has been the price but I got a great deal on a city centre one at £18 a month! BARGAIN! I can hardly believe it! The last one I was at cost £40 a month and the more expensive one closest to home cost £60 a month, plus they both had 12 month contracts. This membership doesn't have a contract, I just need to give a months notice if I intend to leave. When I first heard about it I thought it was too good to be true but after a couple of friends recommended it I thought, why not! Now I just need to go out and get some gym gear

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  • 1 month later...

I'm feeling so unbelievably healthy and happy right now! Apart from a few aches from my gym session yesterday, everything's fantastic! I'm eating incredibly healthily, I've started going out walking again, I'm going to the gym, I'm sleeping 7 hours through the night, I'm waking up feeling refreshed and I'm just more organised, alert and focused. Motivation has kicked in in a big way and I don't wanna let it slide. It was a beautiful day today so I went for a 7 mile walk. Burned off 500 calories. Not too shabby. My resolutions got off to a (VERY) slow start but now we're into May, I feel the need to speed up and get on with things. There's so much more I want to accomplish before the year is out. Ideally, I want to have most of them accomplished before the winter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh my days! The number of anti female threads appearing on this site is scary. Almost every time I see a guy on here complain about how he can't get a girlfriend (and the same few "men" respond), I get no more than a few sentences in before I think to myself FREAKSHOW! FREAKSHOW! Serial killer in the making, sitting in his basement beating himself off to porn while simultaneously thinking how he'd like strangle the woman he's whacking off to. EEuugghh! I'm very fortunate not to have come into contact with a lot of guys like the one's here (the loser minority I mean, not the majority who seem ok). I know a lot of good, kind, decent men and the longer I spend on this site observing what's out there, the more grateful I become for what I have. I don't believe these guys are just complaining. I don't believe they're just going through a rough spell and want to vent. For them these are deep seated beliefs.


I'm starting to go off this site in a BIG way...

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