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New Years resolutions 2012


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I'm just lucky I was staying with my mum last night and today (staying tomorrow now too) because I live in a top floor flat with no lift and had I been there, getting up all those stairs while feeling dizzy would've been tough. Also, there wouldn't have been anyone at home and I really needed somebody there.


At least my blood test's over and done with. Just a shame I've gotta go back tomorrow


I'll be fine once the embarrassment wears off

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^^ So every cloud has a silver lining


You could be right Redrose. I've never been asked to go back the next day before and I've never been told I'd get the results of a blood test so quickly. Here's hoping that whatever the problem is, it's easily fixed. I'm not gonna worry myself

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Just back from my doctors appointment and it's good news!...Sort of. My blood tests came back and I don't have Addisons or any thyroid problems. In fact, everything looks good. He took my blood pressure sitting and standing again (this time he stood beside me with his hand behind my back incase I fainted) and once again there was a drop in my standing blood pressure. It went from 115/number I can't remember to 90/number I can't remember. Postural hypotension. Common in the elderly apparently! But there doesn't seem to be any cause for concern.


He told me that yesterday my blood pressure had gone from 97/70 to 66/number I can't remember. He said that's the sort of reading he would expect in someone who's lost a lot of blood. No wonder I felt so awful! Anyways, he's asked me to record my blood pressure over the next fortnight (my mum's gonna take it for me) and go back and see him. Won't get my ferritin levels for about a week but I'm glad to know there's nothing serious wrong. The bad news is, there's no answer for why I'm like this. Guess it's just the way I am.

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Right, now to start getting back on track!


Can't do anything about my ferritin levels till I get my results next week so I've really gotta start pushing myself on my diet and sleep pattern. Now my head's feeling a bit better it's definitely time to get out walking again. Kinda annoyed by the little setbacks I've had but hey, that's life. I so wanna lose another 2lbs before my birthday. I think the thought of turning 30 (next year) has brought all this about. Not just the weight but all the other resolutions I haven't written down yet that are whirring around in my mind. Milestone birthdays are a funny thing.

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Fourth weigh in

Weight: 9 stone 8/134lbs

Loss this week: 1lbs

Total loss: 4lbs


Found out my ferritin level today. It's 17 which is in the normal range (10-275). Haemoglobin's normal too so I'm just gonna try to eat more iron rich food. But it looks like I don't need supplements! Excellent!

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Hmmm, actually I might need to delve into this further before I get too excited about not taking supplements. I looked up normal ferritin ranges and I kept finding stuff like this:


"It is recommended that for everyone with a ferritin less than 60 mg/dL, they should be given iron treatment. The goal of treatment is to raise ferritin levels to a value between 70 and 90 mg/dL and this is usually achieved with oral iron treatment.


I'm going back to the doctors in a couple of weeks so I'll ask then. Maybe the recommendations have changed since I last went. I certainly do feel more tired when my levels are lower and more energised when they start to rise. Whatever he recommends, I'm just glad to be healthy. But more energy would be nice

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Just had a very very bad day. Feeling angry, hurt, betrayed and unbearably sad. I could just cry my eyes out right now. Why everything has to go wrong at once I just don't know


Might stay away from here for a while till I've picked myself up

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Resolution 3: Fix sleep pattern

Completed on 29 Jan 2012


My easiest resolution has been completed. My messed up sleep pattern/insomnia is a thing of the past and I now have a fixed going to sleep/waking routine. After ridding myself of certain sources of stress, it all just kinda fell into place. Keeping the computer out of the bedroom, putting up a blackout blind and learning to wind down before bed have helped. Also I resist the urge to sleep in if I do go to bed late. If I fall asleep at 2am and I need to be up at 7, I still get up at 7. Even on non-work days. I don't allow myself another 30 minutes in bed. Besides, now I'm a year older I really can't afford to deprive myself of my beauty sleep. Don't wanna end up with premature wrinkles!

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What were some of the things you did to unwind for bed? I have battled insomnia my whole life and once I move it's one of the things I want to work on. I automatically become a morning person when I'm around L (he's one as well) so when he goes to bed, I go to bed and such but I'm sure after a few months my insomnia will try to creep back in. Not having a computer in the bedroom is a wonderful idea and one I think I will do once I move.

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^^ I'd been advised to take my laptop out of the bedroom before but I never did it thinking that it helped me relax before bed. And it did sort of but it kept me awake as well. Something to do with the screen and being close up to bright light I think. I make sure and put it in another room before I go to bed so I'm not tempted to pick it up and start browsing the internet at 1am if I can't sleep!


If I've got anything on my mind before bed, I write it down in my notebook before I go to sleep and I keep it handy beside my bed in case I have a bad night where my mind's spinning. Putting my worries down on paper REALLY helps tremendously. But it doesn't even have to be stuff I'm worried about. Ideas and my to-do list for the next day all get written down if I feel the need.


I had a very thorough de-clutter of my room and I make sure to keep the floor and desk space clean. Mess stresses me.


As I mentioned above, I put up a blackout blind and that's worked wonders to stop me waking when the sun comes up! Sometimes when I wasn't sleeping I'd notice the light gradually creeping in and I'd get anxious abou how close it was to morning but because the room's so dark now, I'm less aware of the time. Also I don't ever have the time on display when I'm sleeping but I do have an alarm.


I have everything for the next day prepared the night before i.e. lunch made, clothes laid out, so if I don't sleep I wont need to worry about rushing the next day.


I either read before bed or occasionally play with my phone. If I play with my phone (angry birds) I only play games, I don't go on the internet. Somehow playing games on it doesn't keep me awake in the same way that playing on the laptop does, but browsing the internet always keeps me awake.

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Had the most dreadful nights sleep last night. Was still wide awake at 4am (having not slept a wink) with a lot on my mind so I wrote it all down on my notebook. Six pages of A4! That's not good...


Was still awake at 5.30 am and the alarm was set for 7. It was so depressing. Sometimes it's almost better in those instances not to sleep than to get one and a half hours in a night because trying to wake up from that makes me feel groggy and sick. I did manage to drift off though. I know this because the alarm woke me. Quite a scary reflection this morning. My head feels like mush.


Also I ate a whole block of tablet and 4 bags of Monster munch. Very naughty

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  • 2 weeks later...

Uggh there are far too many women hating threads appearing on this forum. It's vile and disturbing.


"Duuude I totally agree with you, women are cold and vindictive"

"Dude, she was probably screwing someone else behind your back"

"Hey man I know what you mean. Selfish b****** only want your money"


Sexism and misogyny are still alive and well in 2012.

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Fifth weigh in

Weight: 9 stone 8/134lbs

Loss since last weigh in: 0lbs

Total loss: 4lbs


Well I've been a little distracted recently and wandered away from my weight loss plan, but now I'm ready to get back on track. Really dreaded stepping on the scales this morning. Was sure I'd have put on weight. Luckily for me, I didn't! I've stayed the same since my last weigh in which was almost a month ago (uugghh). Anyhow, time to focus. If I really stick to it, I can be down to my goal weight by April. Onwards and upwards!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I seem to have fallen of track and I'm having trouble getting back on it. Procrastination really is the thief of time. I only have a small amount of weight to lose so it's not like I have the excuse of it being an overwhelming task. I have to get a handle on this.


I don't want my next post to be another "I need to get back on track" one.


C'mon Saffy focus!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm finally getting the hang of this diet malarky. Last week I decided I was gonna get rid of all the unhealthy snacks and replace them with healthy alternatives. Of course I didn't bin them. I hate wasting food! I just had one last binge for old times sake


But that was then and now things are going great! Especially considering I've been pre menstrual which is normally when I get my worst cravings for junk food. I think this strange heat wave we've been getting has spurred me into action. Nothing like seeing loads of scantily clad skinny girls all sunkissed and gorgeous to bring out my jealous competitive side! Haha!!!

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