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How did you OVERCOME sadness/ insecurities?

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I'm so tired of feeling sorry for myself.


My pockets aren't filled with money, so I can't attend therapy. I guess I could take medication for depression/anxiety, but I don't know much about it, and/or if it would be right for me.


I feel weak all the time. I'm insecure, tense, scared, moody, and miserable. I cry very easily. I'm not sure if it's depression... it's probably because I'm not happy with myself. I want to make something out of myself, but I have no hope or faith in succeeding.


I've been thinking and I realized that I'm way too pathetic. I should be happy, I should be greatful for what I have done, for what I have. I've done a lot of things that I should take pride in, but I don't. At times, I try to start out fresh, but at times, my gut turns bad and all those feelings come back. I have no clue if I can help myself out. See, I question if it's depression because this might just be me, trying to figure out this life and what the hell I'm here for. But then, I've always been kind of on the sad side.


I want to stop wasting time worrying and feeling sick, I want to be happy and start experiencing things. I'm young... I shouldn't be bringing myself down all the time. And like I said, I've tried, it's been a continuous struggle throughout the last two years or so, and yet, I always fall back.


I wonder what the best "medicine" for me is. How can I overcome my sadness and misery?

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Hi there! Well, if you don't already, start excersing. It is cheap, cus hey, it doesn't cost anything to at least walk down the street. Keep a journal and try to peg down what is causing your unhappyness. Get a dog. I couldn't imagine a day without my dog, she is sooooo loving. Hell, smash a waterballoon on your head. Do something to shake yourself out of that funk. For an inspirational movie, check out Antwoine Fisher. It is really good, and shows you a guy who went through (I assume) a lot more than you or I, and it has a great ending.


If you need someone to talk to, PM me anytime, I am always up to chat.


Cheers mate!



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I could swear that that was me typing. I feel EXACTLY the same. I am so bored feeling sorry for myself, it really is pathetic. I have bored every1 around me with my sulks. I am totally broke. I still miss an ex i hardly saw and didnt treat me well either. Im scared of getting a full time job and being good at it. Im scared of not living upto to my own and parents expectations. Ultimately I feel like im dieing of lonelyness.


And like u said, i wonder why. When i think of the opportunities avaliable to me. Think that i have a good family, who are well off and supportive. Im 22 for crying out lloud, just out of uni after finishing a degree. I should think that i have everything to live for. Yet for some reason i think life sucks. I can't believe im wasting this opportunity.

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I've felt sorry for myself, but I just remind myself that I am me. There is no reason for me to get saddened over how others like, my life is, etc. I am simly happy to be alive. I would rather be alive then dead. When your dead, then you have nothing else...I might as well enjoy life to the fullest while I'm alive...

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I've felt the same way sometimes...

you can always just TRY an anti-depressant or anti-anxiety med, it does things for most people...or maybe a natural one that you don't need a prescription for...


or find something to get your mind off of things, like read a book, listen to music, write in a journal (I do that to get stuff off my chest), get into a sport (OR just beat up a pillow)


you probably need to exercise because that does get serotonin levels up (which is your "happy" hormone)...you could go to a tennis court and take out your strong feelings on serving, or something like that. That's what I do.

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I write in a little cheap notebook I bought.... usually short songs//poems or just rants. Some of it I'm comfortable to share with others while some of it is private.


I had a big dilema with this girl I was trying to get with so most of it's filled with stuff about her... nice stuff. It really helped and now I can look back and remember all kinds of great conversations and times we spent together despite not getting with her.


I try to write about good things more than bad so I can look back when I'm feeling glum//depressed and crack a smile or two.

Best Wishes!



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I don't know if I'm capable of doing this... I think it will have to be done through trial and error, but I don't know if I can make it that far. Today, when I made a huge mistake, I felt so tense and ashamed that my automatic response was to cut myself. I looked at myself and thought I was immature. I only did it last year for a few months, but I quickly stopped before it got serious. It's amazing how these relapses come back. I guess all I can do for now is hang in... even though I'm craving a quick fix.

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