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This guy, like me or just a good friend.


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ok so i can solve my othrer problems with what to do about this guy i liked, and not sure that i like him anymore......

I need to kno if this other guy is into me or what. I think this guy might be stoppingg me from liking the guy i like now. ARG!


Friday night we had a game. we are in the marching band and both play trumpet. I am a freshman, and he is a junior. We get along really well. He is super smart. Hes not a trouble maker like i like, but knows how to have fun. Anyways we were at an away game friday. The game had just started. We were playing in the stands then. Well all of a sudden he just wraps his arm around my shoulders and he was like sry i was falling asleep. He was all like grabbing my hand and arm the entire night. It was strange b/c he never did that before. I dont know if it was that we just grew close all of a sudden that day or what. I see him everyday and four nights a week. It could have been possible. I am the only female who plays the trumpet in our band also. HE is in 1 class of mine too. Also friday during our one class we have together. I was like im not wear a skirt again. Im so not used to wearing a skirt. I like never wear one, its always jeans and converse. Anyways he wals like no you look good. I was all like did he just say that in my head. It surprised me.


Well let me know what ur opinion is. .... Thanks

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i guess its good he may like me, but no..... I cant like him. i like this other guy!!


I have never thought of this guy more than a friend. We met when we were at band camp like 2 or 3 weeks b4 school started. Thats how long we have been friends. It just seemed so weird. Im not really saying that i like him, just that it really surprised me and wanted to know if he liked me. Him doing that though makes me want to like him


I like this guy jordan, i still like him. He is going to come over saturday b/c i am having a party. We have a good bit in common. He is really nice and sweet. He is just really shy. He has just warmed up to me. he we call my name when i am near him, not loud though. He will say it in a voice that is like hey wahys up kinda voice, or its you kinds voice, well you get it.... My friend that is good friends with jordan says that is a good thing that he does that b/c he doesn't do it to anyone but her. They are really good friends too. So she knows.

The thing is hes not going to homecoming. I wish he was. Its sucks... now what am i going to do for homecoming.....

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Originally I had written quite a long reply and then when I clicked submit my computer exited the internet.


Anyway...the second time around...


I had a crush on this guy at my work for the longest time. He would never flirt with me but he would stare at me (from a distance). We never really saw each other that much but when we had break together (coincidentally since we work in diff departments) I would be smiling like crazy since he has such a good sense of humour without even trying. At the same time though, I still talked to other guys at work who kinda flirt and have little crushes on them as well but not the same kind of crush as I had the other guy. So I know what your feeling and talking about.


(Ironically, now that I have just gotten over this guy we have been seeing each other more and more on break and he even starts to say hi to me now. Man, if only this were happening before when I did "like" him.)


This is going to sound kinda lame but even today I have an example. Today at work some guy (who also works there) came to my department for something and we were really busy and I told him I would help him in a sec but then I had to run and do something else and when I looked back at him, it's like he knew that I was swamped/stressed out and he gave me the nicest smile...And it gave me a really good feeling and now I kinda have a teeny crush or beginning of one on him, lol.


About the guy in your band and when he touched you, I think guys just naturally touch those they feel comfortable around. And they like to be physical--I mean in this case, giving hugs...stuff like that. I think he was just looking for the chance to touch a girl he likes and being casual about it at the same time.


And lastly I know this isn't what you were asking about but I think you should at least consider keeping your options open. Sure Jordan is a great/ideal guy but the guy in your band also sounds like a great guy--You could be missing out if you close all your doors.



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