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Dazed and confused

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Alright, I've been broken up with my ex-girlfriend for just about 3 months now, and I'm still in love with her, but unfortunately, I've made the last mistake I'll ever make as far as she's concerned.


Makes things awkward because she frequents this forum, and I would post somewhere else if I knew of another forum like this one, but I don't.


Anyhow, going on. Basically, I snapped and got angry at her, she got angry back, and things just escalated. I doubt she'll ever want to see me again, and I'm trying to decided whether that's a good thing or not.


Since we've broken up, she's told me a hundred times about all the wrongs I've committed, and I listened to her with next to no comments. Lately, however, she'd escalated this reminding with insulting me.


I have to admit my self-esteem was non-existent after she dumped me, so that's probably why I took the insults for so long. I know I did plenty of things wrong, some of which I'll never forgive myself, or forget about, and I don't really think it was necessary for her to remind me constantly of them if she really did want to entertain a friendship like she said she did.


Anyhow, I realized that everybody makes mistakes, and that just because I was relatively stupid back then and had no idea that I was hurting her so bad, it didn't mean I was the horrible person she portrayed me to be.


Now, the problem arises that basically, this girl was the best friend I ever had, and I guess when my emotions are involved, I just can't think straight because driving her away was the last thing I would've wanted to do.


I don't think I'm even going to bother trying to reconcile with her, she's made it clear she hates me. If she ever feels the need to talk to me, I'm sure she will. I saw her today and she was crying, which means I hurt her feelings pretty bad in my outrage, something I will probably regret until I forget about it.


I suppose this is all a rant so I can figure out what just happened. Time to hold my head back up and just keep on truckin' I suppose.


I sure am gonna miss her.


Anyone got any idea what I should be doing in this situation?

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Well...what you should be doing is...err...try to move on and forget her? I never thought I would write something like this because a couple of moonths ago I was in a similar situation. I would have hated to hear or say something like that. But sometimes it is all you can do...


I would however not be too upset ybout her "hating" you. It is a fairly normal reaction for an ex to do something like that. It is her way to get over you. By telling herself how bad you were she calms herself... It would be kinda silly to try to forget someone and at the same time constantly remind yourself that you might be making an incredible mistake...right?!


People unfortunately do that. And most of the time theey will never realize what they did wrong. Nothing you can do. If she wants to hat you, let her...


As silly as it may sound...and as much as I hate to say it...but: There's plenty more fish in the sea.


Good luck...

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