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4 Years and still havn't met


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I was hopeful some of you might share your thoughts with me on my situation.



How long is a reasonable period of time, to meet someone you've been talking to online.


And., what is reasonable to expect of each other in terms of expectations concerning starting or ending relationships real time.

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Well I don't think there's a reccomended time.


Just meet each other when you feel you are both ready, and as for expecations about the relationship in real time, it totally depends on where your relationship is now. It also depends on what type of people you two are, and what are you plans for the future, in terms of a lover.

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Well, I knew a guy online for years and I was willing to wait however long was necessary to meet him. But things didn't work out according to plan and now it seems we'll never meet.


It all depends on the circumstances and whether or not you two are just friends or wishing to build a life together. If it is the former and live too far away from each other, send some pics or talk on webcam in the meantime. And if you love the person romantically - well then you may just want to organise to meet each other in the flesh a little bit sooner. Take a chance...

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Phobeus,


Welcome to eNotAlone.


Long before the internet, people were mail friends - often trans-continental -, having obtained an address somehow. Some were lifelong friendships. Many never met as well.


You wan't to meet your friend, just ask your friend.


You have any questions or more info on your relationship, please do not hesitate to post.

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It depends on what sort of relationship the two people have. If they're good friends, it's sometimes the case that they can stay good friends without even meeting for years. I've known some people for countless years online and have never met them.


If the two people become an online couple, then I think a 'reasonable' time, though this is really hard to say since it varies so much, is maybe 2 years or so. If one of the two wants to meet the other, there should be no problem. If there is, they should try and discuss it to sort things out.

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I have an online friend that I've talked to for almost 5 years now and still haven't met Sure we talk about meeting all the time but with me here in California and him in Kansas that meeting may take another 5 years who knows. I know our friendship grows stronger everytime we talk and I hope we do get to meet soon I would love to see the face behind the screen that has made me laugh and cry so many times

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