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Friends of the opposite sex. Really? Friends?


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My best friend of 10 years is male. We started off as strictly platonic friends both going through a similarly tough time. Over the years there was a point in time where I developed feelings, but let them go because I valued his friendship more than his romance. Then there was a point in time where he developed feelings, but I was in a relationship so he let it go. We've had honest communication about these two points in time and we laugh about it now. I'm happily married and he's been with a lovely girl for almost 2 years now. Although there were feelings at one point, you could put us in a room together, alone and naked, and I'd ask him to pass the remote while he cracked a beer. Platonic friendships are very possible if you keep things in perspective and strongly evaluate the feasibility of the situation. They can crash and burn if you aren't able to keep your emotions in check.

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