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At the end of the third date...


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So at the end of my third date with this girl that I really liked, she says:


"I absolutely love spending time with you, and want to see you again! I could never see us in a relationship, and I'm sorry because I know you're interested in me, I have to be honest. But I'd love to hang out with you again soon!"


Do women say these things specifically to drive me insane? Needless to say I'm not calling her back for a 4th date.

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Well, give her credit for not leading you on and being straight up and honest with you; a lot of men & women don't do that. So she's been genuinely honest with you and the ball is in your court for you to decide which basket to shoot it in. If it was me, I would thank her for her time and politely decline a fourth date.

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I would go for the FWB




Did you ask her why she doesn't see herself in a relationship with you, but wants to continue spending time with you?? is it a lack of attraction (then FWB wouldn't really work) or is it something else? (you aren't the right religion/don't have the right job/have some other character flaw that makes her think you aren't husband material?) in that case, FWB is a possibility.

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Do women say these things specifically to drive me insane? Needless to say I'm not calling her back for a 4th date.


LOL. It does seem that way, doesn't it. I do think it's good that she was upfront about this before you invest more time and energy into developing a relationship. But her message is really unclear, it seems like she forgot to add "as friends" when she said she'd like to hang out again soon. I don't get the sense that she wants to be FWB, if she did I think she would have gone ahead and gotten physical without this clarification. It could be worth a try, but overall I think your instinct to cut contact is the correct one.

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