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When I'm home alone, I talk to myself.

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When I'm home alone, I often talk to myself out-loud about whatever is on my mind. That is what I did this weekend. I find that talking to myself out-loud (I am an overthinker. I would rather call it thinking out-loud.) about issues I'm angry about, such as unfair banking or work related issues, to happy subjects, such as getting nostalgic and singing old songs, including snacking on nuts, swimming and weight lifting, helps relieve my stress? Physical and mental stress relief. What do you think? Am I being normal or crazy? I don't think I am crazy. In the future, if I was married and lived with my wife, then I would probably be queiter and more reserved about this, because she may not want to hear all of my rants or singing.

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well, the fact that you are wondering if you are crazy tells me you are not!!

I have lived alone most of my adult life and honestly, I do talk aloud at times. And I love to sing, so yes, I do sing from time to time.

And at work, my assistant sits right outside my office and she will often hear me go "Hurry up!" or "What is wrong with you?" "Oh my god come ON" - now that is me talking to my computer when it's not working like it should. Or I will say "Yay, that's great" when I read an email that contains good news.

I don't think I am crazy, just very expressive, lol.

So I wouldn't worry about it!

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You might not think you're crazy, but other people might if they observed you. Are you gonna let that affect you though? Whatever floats your boat though.


As for me, I've never done anything like that. Personally, I think it's kinda weird cause I had a co-worker who talked to himself and although he was married and had a kid and all, he was really weird. I like to keep my thoughts collected in my head, and I'll only talk to myself if I'm practicing a speech or presentation.

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When I'm home alone, I often talk to myself out-loud about whatever is on my mind. That is what I did this weekend. I find that talking to myself out-loud (I am an overthinker. I would rather call it thinking out-loud.) about issues I'm angry about, such as unfair banking or work related issues, to happy subjects, such as getting nostalgic and singing old songs, including snacking on nuts, swimming and weight lifting, helps relieve my stress? Physical and mental stress relief. What do you think? Am I being normal or crazy? I don't think I am crazy. In the future, if I was married and lived with my wife, then I would probably be queiter and more reserved about this, because she may not want to hear all of my rants or singing.


I do the same thing. Only I tend to talk to myself when in my own lala land, fantasizing. I'm an overthinker also.


I dont think you're crazy, but possibly practice more on containing your thoughts. I had to do the same, as sometimes, in the past, my fantasies and conversations were so vivid, that I didnt know if what I had actually said the things I said in real life, or just in my mind. Eerie place to be.

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  • 8 months later...

Everyone is different, but you're definitely not crazy. I recently learned that people who are concerned about being perceived as crazy, are not crazy. Crazy people don't ever think they are crazy, they think everyone else has the problem. So you're good.

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I'm reading this awesome book and there's a small part that says that people who have internal monologues and dialogues aren't very different from people that verbalize them. I think it's true It's either in your head or it's out loud. If you live with someone and it creeps them out, just keep them in your head.


I have to add though, that over thinking and too much "noise" in your mind at all times isn't very good. When I have a bad day I used to over think and over analyze and dissect everything that happened that day and play scenarios in my head and it wasn't until I learned to quiet my mind and just turn off my thoughts that I realized that my over thinking is extremely draining. It takes up SO much energy, you wouldn't even believe what a relief it can be to have silence and just enjoy the moment

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