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my boyfriend's sister trying to attack me again.


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Hi guys,


If you have read my previous post about my boyfriend's sister, you would know my story. if not here it is




My boyfriend's sister live in UK and she posted on his Facebook this morning asking him to repair her ipad and send it to her. She also said instead of spending all your time on your precious Panda (it's the nick name my bf call me) or baby or blah blah, repair my ipad.


My boyfriend removed that post. He has finals next week, so I don't want him annoyed by it too but I'm so tempted to post on his wall this


"I didn't know I have that many fans. lolzz.. how come ppl know nick names we call each other? stalkers stalk much?"



Should I do that? Thanks so much for reading this.

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I used to be in somewhat of a similiar pickle. The woman I was seeing, her brother and I didn't get along and it definitely contributed to a big part of us splitting off. And for a while I thought perhaps the problem child was probably me. But after realizing that (even to her own admission) that he's had similiar dealings with some of her other ex boyfriends or whatever, it's a pattern.


I know that has nothing to do with your story, but it makes me wonder how exactly he feels about all this and if anything has he talked to either of you about this?

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