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Is NC really the only hope to ever get an ex back?


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I don't know if there is any proven formula to get someone back. You can do things that make you more attractive than when you broke up but unless that person has the desire they won't come back. If they do it is usually after a lengthy period of separation and no contact. But no contact in itself will not bring them back.

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NC itself does not bring anybody back, but it gives people time and space to reflect, evaluate, and miss each other. You never realize what you lost until it is gone forever. I read more people's stories here that their exes came back after a few months of NC, than those of people whose exes came back while staying in touch. NC is a very daring bet, though. You have to be strong, and NC does make you strong.


A relationship or friendship is possible between two equal people. I think NC does help to balance the power between the two. NC may not get him back but it will bring back your dignity and power.

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Is it best to de-friend an ex on facebook?


Right now, I have her set to where it doesn't tell me anything that is going on in her life. I wanted to leave that door open for future conversation months down the road, since we now live in two different locations. So I set her to a very limited visibility so that I have my time of NC to heal and get back on my feet. However, if she's able to see all my messages and such on her end, does this just further reduce her time and space from me? Am I still mysterious and something to be missed?


The idea of reconciliation in the future is a nice thought, but by no means is it something I'm pinning for. I just like to keep all my options open

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So to update, i broke NC after five days because i found out that a girl i had a bad gut feeling about, had been texting him and he had been texting her. I'm disappointed in the breaking of the NC, but i'm more disappointed that i've been wasting my time on someone for so long. He says that nothing is happening or will happen between her, but i just can't believe him anymore. He made me feel crazy before when i was worried about something going on between them and he told me then that "he had nothing to do with her" and now they're texting, she's posting old pictures of them together, and she's asking if he's single.


I'm so disappointed and i feel like the biggest fool. This girl is completely trashy too and i've always considered myself the girl next door, i just feel ashamed. At this point, i'm keeping up NC for me because i'm fed up. I really just give up, i put so much energy into him only for it to come down to this. I hurt myself all over again but at the same time, finding that out just made me snap. I can't trust someone like that.

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