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Confused Need Help Please!


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I am so confused. I need advice please. I have date this man 51 years old I am 43 years old. I never really have gone to his home until recently I spent a weekend. He lives with his mother. All weekend she made his dinners, put it on a plate and had it ready when he arrived back from whatever we did. She makes excuses at every turn for him as well. Like well he does not cook, he's shy etc. I am thinking this is not normal! Dinner ready and on a plate! His brother 45 lives with his mother as well. She made both dinner and actually put their first initials on the foiled pre made plates so each know which was which! She said I had the problem not him.

They do not clean at all. He took an hour and half in the bathroom is each day as well! I am lost. Am I nuts or is this behaviour NOT normal!!? Please help me.

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I think it's more serious than that. He's never lived away from home. His mother does not make him do anything. He pays no rent and his room! Stacked high with bottles and newspapers. He never pays attention to his mother I noticed. He uses her shower for an hour and a half each day. She griped but does nothing. He never cooks, cleans or anything same with his brother. They mess the house up and just oh well walk away. I think he is the problem I think I neeed a mature man not a boy. Thank you. You made me see that.

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Yes i know but what does it matter as long as they are happy you shudnt try and mess with peoples life styles i think your right in saying you should find anoother guy, you can stay with someone who you find disturbing.

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