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I'm losing my friends.


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Okay basically, Me and my girlfriend have had some bad incidents in our year relationship. And of course I tell my friends everything and all the details, because you know they're my friends. Now something happened last week with me and my girlfriend. And I was ready to breakup with her but I didn't. I guess that was one of the last straws with my friends. They are fed up with me giving her second chances, and apparently I changed so much,I feel like I have a little, but not to where it affects my friendship with friends. They keep telling me to grow some balls and I'm fake a bunch of other stuff. They still want to be my friends, but want me to go back to how I was. I just don't know how to do that. Like I cant change what has already happened, if I could I would have handled every situation differently with my friends and girlfriend. I dont know how to show them I am the same guy I used to be. I feel like I can never tell them my problems with her again, and I feel like if I ever tell them I'm going out with her they will scouff and say this dudes lame and yada yada. I want to hangout with my friends more, but my schedule is kinda messy when I try to fit in Studying, My girlfriend, My friends, and just anything else. I'm not sure if my friends feel more neglected or just feel like I'm not the same person. I think it's more of the not being the same person part.




What's everyones opinion on this? I really need help.

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First of all are these male or female friends? If its a female friend it may just be jealousy or your girlfriend could just really have that many problems and they are trying to help you out. Second of all if you don't want your friends opinions you should just stop telling them. Just be like "Im going to keep my relationship private from now on" because right now you are allowing them to judge you. If you don't want them judging you then don't bring it up.

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Okay basically, Me and my girlfriend have had some bad incidents in our year relationship. And of course I tell my friends everything and all the details


What's everyones opinion on this? I really need help.


Sometimes one has to draw the line by how much personal information they share with others. Not everyone wants to hear all the gory/private/personal details of a friend's relationship problems, especially when it's all the time. My guess is that your friends seem to be tired of hearing all the drama.


I would suggest you stop sharing all the information and back off a little with talking about your relationship as a whole. When you are with your friends, leave your relationship out of it and enjoy their company. I understand that you feel you want to talk to your friends about whatever is going on, but you need to sometimes draw the line by how many times and how much info you share.

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I agree with Capricorn on keeping your relationship personal. I am in your friend's shoes and am tired of hearing how "wonderful" or how "awful" their SO is. If you talk about how awful your SO is chances are your friends do not like her based on this. From personal experience, it is hard to meet the SO when your mind is full of the bad things they did. It makes it hard to give them a chance. It is unfair to the SO and the friend meeting them. There is no clean slate so to speak.

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