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Feeling really low atm. Keep thinking of ex. Had a dream last night that we were working things out. gonna get back together. then woke. realising it was another dream just a major let down. Put me in a sombre mood.


Im anxious about things. Thinking if she would contact me at xmas. what can i say or do?

Dreading next year. was when i met her around that time. trying to be positive about next year, but a lot of the time i think of what happened last year.


Any help? x

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Are you asking what you should do if she contacts you or what you should say/do now? For now, do absolutely nothing. If she contacts you, I recommend polite and cordial if you truly want to get back with her. You basically have to start back at square one, and do your best to create attraction. The notion of things going right back to where they used to be is a pipe dream, it isn't going to happen. Reconciliation only happens when attraction returns, both people move forward and attempt to forge a new relationship while recognizing what didn't work in the last one, otherwise the new one will fail in a similar fashion. Don't hold onto hope though. Really try to learn to live alone and enjoy yourself. Recognize your mistakes and learn to be better. Workout, take up some hobbies, do anything you can do for yourself that will make you better, and if she notices those changes, who knows? But you won't be doing them for her, you'll be doing them for you. Best of luck

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Why did y'all break up? How long were you together?


Together for 6 months. Broke up because apparently didnt feel right to her. didnt know what to do. was dragging me along. had few problems of her own. and just decided it was best we werent together. She said she loved me loads of times. But then when we broke up said she didnt think she was in love with me. I cant even remember anymore. Just made no sense out of her. all i got was "didnt feel right anymore" and "has to be different".

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