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Is it normal to be attracted to homosexuality at this age?

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Hi, I'm kinda new here, found this forum by accident browsing google, read some threads and here I am, lol. Was hoping for some insight into my emotions.


I'm nearly 20 years old, and about 3 years ago I tried watching gay porn because I was curious, and I didn't mind it. But since then I've started watching it more (as well as straight porn) and I can easily get off to it.. Probably easier than straight porn sometimes, depending on my mood. I must also admit that when I see an attractive guy out somewhere etc I imagine them * * * * ing me.. :s. While I probably like the fantasy, I don't think I'd like the actual thing. Truth is, I LOVE women, I love their physical traits (boobs, legs etc) and I love making love to them, I just have this other side to me that's somewhat curious, I guess. I guess my question is, is it normal to still be bi-curious at this age?

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Yea I think its perfectely normal. I am 30 yrs old. Love women and find myself thinking about about what it would be like. I have never tried anything with a guy before but I have watched some gay porn and get off on it.


So I dont think there is anything wrong with you.

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Stop trying to label yourself. If you get off on gay porn, good, whats the harm? If you get off on straight porn too, again whats the harm? Just do what you feel like doing and what you feel is natural. No reason to force yourself into a role.

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You're only 20. It's my experience that genuine bisexuals often won't even acknowledge their same-sex attractions for quite some time, as the fact that they're fully capable of opposite-sex feelings means that they easily fall into "normal" behavior that's expected of them when they are young.

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I love watching male gay porn too ;-) LOL.. but can't stand the lesbian ones..


Usually around your age guys start experimenting. I have read about others doing that and being horrified about the whole experience and never returned and others that have realized that they were not just curious..but simply bisexual.


You'll figure it out soon enough I guess when the curiosity needs to be fulfilled or the opportunity presents itself..


But please don't be in a committed relationship when you do..unless she knows about it.

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Usually around your age guys start experimenting. I have read about others doing that and being horrified about the whole experience and never returned and others that have realized that they were not just curious..but simply bisexual.


Yeah, when I was in my early 20s I had some straight guys make some rather strong advances towards me when they were drunk. Now, around 10 years later, they're both happily married to women, have kids, etc. Experimentation and curiosity is common; it's just not talked about. For some people it may mean that they're bi/gay, and some just might just be curious. As Day Walker mentioned, the focus shouldn't be on labels or conforming to what is normal--it should purely be on what you what you feel drawn to do and what will bring happiness/satisfaction.

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There are no reliable statistics because it is something so subjective, so there is no way to say for sure how common it is. I don't think it is very common. Some on here believe in the spectrum, I am not one of them. Societal and peer pressure tend to be very strong motivators that drive people into certain behaviors. It has driven a lot of gay men into the straight lifestyle, my bf included who was married for 33 years.

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I just finished studying a book for class called Animal Homosexuality: A Biosocial Perspective by Aldo Poiani et al (p.396-8 ) that I highly recommend so I'm going to base my response some studies in it.


It's been found that bisexual acts are very common among old world primates and apes, from which humans are direct descendants. Thus it follows that human's have a high potential for bisexual behavior since we share such close common ancestry. Furthermore, if you look at the research by Kinsey et al. (1948 ) he measures homosexual and heterosexual preferences accross age groups and from the graph generated you can see that the incidence of homosexual responses is highest in the age group between the teens and twenties as compared to later ages. This shows that in younger age groups sexuality is less polarized, indicating a greater potential for bisexuality in adolescent males.


In a wide range of mammals and bird species incidents of bisexuality are well recorded and evolutionarily justifiable considering that bisexual members of the population still pass on their genes to offspring. In fact, other than in humans, only sheep have been shown to have members that possess exclusively homosexual preferences. It's exclusive homosexuality that is harder to explain biologically (though there are many hypothesis).


So to answer your question it would seem that it would be more likely for you to experience bisexual responses to stimuli at your age than at a later age and that yes, this is a normal human experience, lol.

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This topic has been talked about many times on this forum, the problem with what you are saying is that you are only talking about bisexual "acts". The problem with that is we don't always act on your preferences. Orientation is really about preferences not acts. We do things for many reasons.


There is a vast glut of gay men out there willing to give oral to complete strangers for free, completely willing to do it anonymously with no strings attached. That works for some straight married men, does that make them bisexual? Just one example.


Another example are societal and peer pressure, sometimes makes it more attractive for gay men to get married and have kids, does that make them straight?


I do think that bisexual acts are far more common but actual sexual preferences for the same sex is probably fairly uncommon. The Kinsey number that only focused on sexual behavior is probably high with his 10%, it is more likely somewhere in the low single percentage points. Another thing that makes the number seem higher is that many gay men tend to gravitate to bigger cities and cluster making them more visible.

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I fantasize quite often about guys. I love women and their traits as well, I also would never have a relationship with a guy. I just want to fool around.


You'll say that until you fool around with a guy you really connect with.

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