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Cyber cheating


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First, I feel silly for even thinking about this, but recently I've started to wonder if my boyfriend of over three years is cheating on me through the website link removed. I dont use it, but i've seen that it has games and mostly chat and ways to connect with people. I never thought anything of my boyfriend being on the site until I noticed him starting to close windows quickly whenever I would enter the room. Ever since this started happening on almost a daily basis, I began to worry. I have a hunch that he might be meeting up with girls he's met from the site because he has random things come up that he shares very little about and if i asked how it went he has very short answers like good, what else do you expect? I try not to think it over too much, and I just hope that this is how guys are. We girls tend to talk more and share many more details, ha.

But if he were to be meeting up with these girls, is this cheating? I mean, even if he is just meeting up to go walk around the city? I feel quite uncomfortable and want to say something, and everytime i've tried to express my concern, his response is often times i'm just on this site because i pass the time with the games and chatting. But my question is, why don't you chat with me to for just a little bit? This site is causing a big disconnect even if he's not cheating.


This is quite long and mixed up, but for anyone that has followed it and read it all.... any comments or words of advice or even someone going through something similar?

thank you!

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Id say you have a nice long talk to him about it, tell him you notice he closes the windows and how this makes you wonder what he is doing and how its causing some disconnect, maybe you could suggest he teaches you about the games or intoduce you to any of his online friends. It doesnt mean hes cheating no, maybe he just likes to do his own thing on the sites. Communicate with him.

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Don't know. It could be harmless, maybe he was talking to some dude about something that he would prefer that you didn't see. I wouldn't over think it. Online social sites can be addictive though if allowed to be. Does he sit down on it every day of the week?

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But if he were to be meeting up with these girls, is this cheating? I mean, even if he is just meeting up to go walk around the city? I feel quite uncomfortable and want to say something, and everytime i've tried to express my concern, his response is often times i'm just on this site because i pass the time with the games and chatting.

thank you!


Everyone's definition of cheating WILL be different. If my girl was "meeting guys and just walking around Chicago" I wouldn't accept it. C'mon. Where there's smoke there's fire. Why close tabs if he's just "chatting"? You know the answer here.

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I agree with Rough Night. There is nothing wrong with him being on this site, nothing wrong at all. Lots of people use social networking sites. What worries me is that he's closing tabs so you can't see. Why is he doing that? What is he hiding? That seems highly suspicious to me.


My boyfriend and I have agreed to not use sites that are geared toward "meeting" people online, rather than keeping in touch with the people that you DO know (like FB). I feel like the "meet people" sites are just way too close to dating sites without actually being called a dating site. Most people on there are really flirty and looking to "connect". We both agreed it was inappropriate. I don't really FB anymore but I like to use forums, which I feel is a more appropriate...I come here to learn, give advice, share ideas...not to look at shirtless pictures and "rate" them, or flirt.

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