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Im confused and need help


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im 15 (nearly 16) and i've been with my boyfriend for a year and nearly 7 months .. and we dont really talk that much, he's in my class at school so we see each other everyday .. we dont really kiss cause its awkward and its not allowed at school so we would be in a lot of trouble .. we've considered going upstairs during breaks but there have always been teacher walking along the halls! ... so we havent kissed in a long time .. the furthest we have gotten is a french kiss.. but i think i want more ... hes never tried to touch me anywere...i'm always thinking about sex and i watch porn alot .. wen ever i watch porn obvioulsy i get bloody horny and start masterbaiting .. i kinda wish i could have sex with him but i dont want to get pregnant and i dont know how to tell him .. i was thinkin so that i dont get pregnant we can just have anal sex or blowjobs and handjobs and he can finger me of lick my vagina .. but i dont know how to tell him.... also .. i dont want my parents to find out im masterbaiting or thinking of all this .. what and how to i go about this .. what should i do .. please help me!

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Best thing you can do would be to talk to your boyfriend about it, because unless he knows how you feel on these issues he is never going to be able to take that into consideration, is he older than you or the same age? but if its something you are serious about then consider waiting until you are 16 and getting a form of contraception. this should stop your pregnancy worries somewhat

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im 15 (nearly 16) and i've been with my boyfriend for a year and nearly 7 months .. and we dont really talk that much, he's in my class at school so we see each other everyday .. we dont really kiss cause its awkward and its not allowed at school so we would be in a lot of trouble

It is awkward how? Awkward because its in school or awkward because it feels awkward?


.. we've considered going upstairs during breaks but there have always been teacher walking along the halls! ... so we havent kissed in a long time .. the furthest we have gotten is a french kiss..

Why not in a long time? Can you not make time for one another outside of school?


but i think i want more ... hes never tried to touch me anywere...i'm always thinking about sex and i watch porn alot .. wen ever i watch porn obvioulsy i get bloody horny and start masterbaiting ..

You are 15. Its perfectly normal.


i kinda wish i could have sex with him but i dont want to get pregnant and i dont know how to tell him ..

But you dont even kiss the guy that often! Honestly this would be a huge mistake that you will regret.


i was thinkin so that i dont get pregnant we can just have anal sex

I think you might want to research this a bit first...


or blowjobs and handjobs and he can finger me of lick my vagina .. but i dont know how to tell him.... also .. i dont want my parents to find out im masterbaiting or thinking of all this .. what and how to i go about this .. what should i do .. please help me!

Your parents were 15 once too. Honestly, having sex with this guy that you barely talk to and haven't kissed in ages will be a mistake. One you will definitely definitely regret. You dont seem to know an awful lot about sex and how it works and the emotional issues that can come with it. I would suggest you do some research or talk to a guidance counsellor (it is confidential so no one will know what you talk about) or at the very least speak to an adult about this before you make a mistake you could well end up regretting the rest of your life.

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Listen to Raawr, your first experience with sex is going to have much more of an effect on you than you think. Right now you probably just view it as something fun to do and pleasurable, but it will have a lot more to do with your emotions and making a bad decision will leave you a lot more unhappy than you can think now. On the other hand if you find someone that not just you care about, but who cares about you, then you can have a good experience. If you are thinking about having sex with someone who you barely kiss or talk to that much as your first time, I don't know how special that is really going to make you feel.

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