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how fast does it take to get rid of strep throat while on antibiotics?

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i have had strep throat for 3 days now. i went to the doctor 2 days ago. my doctor diagnosed me with strep (she didnt think it was bc i didnt have any white dots), i have been on the antibiotics for 2 days since ive been at the doctor. i have had a bit of pain on and off on the right side of my throat in the back so i looked today and noticed now that i have the white dots and a few of them on both sides. i have been feeling better (no bodyaches or fever) but the white spots are there..will it go away, and am i still contagious even though i have been on the medicine for over 24 hrs?also sounds gross, but i started spitting a lot i try not to but it feels a lot better to get all the phlegm out. (i know sounds gross, sorry) anyway, is that normal for strep? or could my doctor have possibly been wrong and its something else? i did have all the symptoms of strep except the white dots so i am assuming she is right. just wanted suggestions, and about how long should they be there for, i was told to take the medicine for 10 days. thanks for the help!

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You should feel better in another day or two. But you need to take all of the antibiotics for the full 10 days even if you are feeling better. Otherwise you might not get rid of the infection completely and then it will come back even stronger and resistant to the antibiotics.


Your symptoms do sound very typical for strep. Try gargling with some salt water or use an analgesic spray that they make for sore throats.


If your doctor did a strep test and it came back positive then it's unlikely they misdiagnosed you.

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You should feel better in another day or two. But you need to take all of the antibiotics for the full 10 days even if you are feeling better. Otherwise you might not get rid of the infection completely and then it will come back even stronger and resistant to the antibiotics.


Your symptoms do sound very typical for strep. Try gargling with some salt water or use an analgesic spray that they make for sore throats.


If your doctor did a strep test and it came back positive then it's unlikely they misdiagnosed you.


Yup, that. It can be very painful and you can feel very sick. Take all your medication the way you were told to. If people do not take their full dose of medication they create super bugs that are antibiotic resistant.

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Strep throat has consistently been the worst sickness I've ever had. I've had it three times now. All your symptoms plus severe headaches, muscle pains, fever, nausea... the works.


You should start feeling better a few days after you start taking the antibiotics. I never found that there was much i could do for my throat or the swallowing issue, but hot tea with honey helps.

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